Rumbling when stroked

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Dec 3, 2010
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My piggie george has recently started doing this when i stroke him in his cage.

What happens is i put my hand in to stroke him and he lies down sort of on his side and rumbles. He doesn't run into his shelter which he usually does when something happens he doesn't like.

Does he dislike being stroked? He is a very friendly piggie :) Thanks
My pigs do that and i believe its becuase their enjoying being stroked. He has probably gotten use to you and he loves you stroking him. Good luck with your very happy piggy! :))
Our pigs started doing it when they got used to us and became brave, in our case it's our pigs' way of saying: "leave me alone" :) but nobody really knows what pigs think. They rumble in so many different situations.
I thought the rumbling meant leave me alone but its how he lies down waiting for me to touch him thats why I'm confused :)
Emmalouise, piggies also "purr." It feels like rumbling, but doesn't quite sound like it to me. My piggies spend at least an hour with me on the couch every night. They play together and many times during that hour they will come to me and lie down on my lap so I will stroke them. Sometimes they purr while I'm stroking them, sometimes they don't.

I think your piggy is happy that you're loving on him. But that's just my two cent's worth. I've only been a piggy momma for a month or so.
I thought the rumbling meant leave me alone but its how he lies down waiting for me to touch him thats why I'm confused :)

Mixed signals, he's a little tease. Get over him find somebody else.
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