Adult Guinea Pig
Hi all, I was wondering if one of you very knowledgeable people might be able to shed some light on the behaviour of one of my boars, Squeak.
A bit of background....Squeak's approx 10 months old, castrated since April, and he lives with one younger sow (approx 6 months old), Coco, who is definitely the boss! He and Coco are the very best of friends.....they are most definitely well bonded.
Squeak is very bold, confident and utterly cheeky......he doesn't appear to be scared of anything and he'll sit and stare at you until you give him the attention he deserves (LOL!). He has such a massive personality....can you tell he's my favourite out of my five piggies? rolleyes
He absolutely loves being stroked but doesn't like being held or being on my lap, so I tend to just stroke him while he's in the cage or while he's free-ranging; he'll sit for ages for a bit of fuss, bless him!
The behaviour that intrigues me is that he often rumbles when I stroke him, and he sort of flattens himself to the floor......he sinks down onto his belly, pushes his head forward, narrows his eyes and rumbles.......very similar to the normal rumblestrutting movements, but no 'strutting' (so to speak).
He obviously isn't scared or worried about being stroked, cos he does this while he's free-ranging and can easily get away from me. Also, he keeps coming back for more! LOL! So I assume that the rumbling/flattening is 'happy' behaviour; if he wasn't enjoying it, there's nothing stopping him from scarpering.
I've never known another boar that does this, and my other boar, Pudding, doesn't do it (same age, also castrated, also living with lady friends).
Has anyone else ever seen this?
A bit of background....Squeak's approx 10 months old, castrated since April, and he lives with one younger sow (approx 6 months old), Coco, who is definitely the boss! He and Coco are the very best of friends.....they are most definitely well bonded.
Squeak is very bold, confident and utterly cheeky......he doesn't appear to be scared of anything and he'll sit and stare at you until you give him the attention he deserves (LOL!). He has such a massive personality....can you tell he's my favourite out of my five piggies? rolleyes
He absolutely loves being stroked but doesn't like being held or being on my lap, so I tend to just stroke him while he's in the cage or while he's free-ranging; he'll sit for ages for a bit of fuss, bless him!
The behaviour that intrigues me is that he often rumbles when I stroke him, and he sort of flattens himself to the floor......he sinks down onto his belly, pushes his head forward, narrows his eyes and rumbles.......very similar to the normal rumblestrutting movements, but no 'strutting' (so to speak).
He obviously isn't scared or worried about being stroked, cos he does this while he's free-ranging and can easily get away from me. Also, he keeps coming back for more! LOL! So I assume that the rumbling/flattening is 'happy' behaviour; if he wasn't enjoying it, there's nothing stopping him from scarpering.
I've never known another boar that does this, and my other boar, Pudding, doesn't do it (same age, also castrated, also living with lady friends).
Has anyone else ever seen this?