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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 27, 2017
Reaction score
South LA County, the States
Yesterday and today were the first time I could definitively say that River was in heat, and she was doing some very "sexy" rumble-strutting. I still haven't caught it on video, but I gotta say, there's nothing I've found funnier to watch than a skinny pig sow doing a rumble-strut. Do fully-furred piggies look as silly?
One of my past boars had some crazy dance moves. He had a special move that we called the double hop where he bounced on just one of his back legs. He went further once and added a turn to it.

Only one of my current boys does it. He's more of a slow slinker with added vibration rather than being 'ol snake hips'.
Blitzen's got a real obvious wiggle to his strutting. I think it's because he's quite finely built so any wiggle is really obvious. Comet wiggles too but nowhere near as much, he rumbles far more than he struts. I've heard/felt him rumbling when I've had headphones on, he likes to make himself heard.

Blitzen also will occasionally add a popcorn to the end of a strut.
My little Higgins gets as high as he can to rumble, furry ol' Gibson is the opposite, and gets so flat on his belly that his back legs stick right out - he particularly likes doing this through tunnels due to the added bass he gets.. They love a good old Rumble-strut!
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