Rumble Strutting?

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Ami Norman

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 5, 2015
Reaction score
Newcastle, England
my pigs are both sows and are 4 months old, my long haired piggy maisy she seems to be the dominant one, and daisy my other pig always is submissive towards her but maisy literally rumblestruts all day everyday at first i thought it may have been because she was in season, but it has carried on for several months now, daisy does not seem bothered by it but will occasionally get sick of her and headbutt her to get her to go away, there is no teeth chattering and no proper fighting that ive heard, they live in my bedroom so i get to see their behavior 24/7. I have two of everything, waterbottles, hideys, food bowls, hay racks and they're in a big enough space as it still continues even in the run!. The only time they dont fight is during laptime and veggie time. Ive read all the above threads about sow behaviours and searched the internet about guinea pig behaviour and still do not have a solution, is anyone able to help or give me any solutions it would be much appreciated :)
Some Sows are naturaly maternal , though l wouldent rule out hormonal ptoblems , and overeian cysts

If she were my sow l would defenatly get her looked at by you vet
i thought she would have been a bit young for an ovarian cyst?, shes not in pain or has not lost any hair, just seems to be a very angry piggy haha!
i thought she would have been a bit young for an ovarian cyst?, shes not in pain or has not lost any hair, just seems to be a very angry piggy haha!
Yep Sows can be troblesome critters :gp::lol!:
My first two piggies had a lot of the behavioural issues you mentioned. Although not bullying and not all day, many times a day Ruby would rumblestrut and claim dominance over a cage area, the ramps or a pigloo and Treacle would get a nose bump if she didn't move out the way quick enough. Sometimes Ruby would follow her around a few places and Treacle would squeek in exclamation. However Treacle seemed to just accept it as her lot and never rose up to things. When I introduced Bella and Luna, then Ruby had the hardest time adjusting because she was no longer top piggie. It's now balanced out though. Her and Bella still occasionally squabble, but since Ruby has accepted 2nd or third place in the hierarchy everything is much quieter. She still turfs treacle out of places on occasion, but no rumbling now and she is also just as likely to cuddle up next to her too. The only rubble strutting that happens is when one of them is in season.

Maybe you just need a third sow piggie to take away some of the heat! It does seem odd that you say it is constant though, especially if the cage / run is big enough for them to just be away from each other.
Some pigs are more dominant than others. Your pigs are also right now essentially 'teenagers' and apt to be very hormonal. My original two pair of pigs were Linney (dominant pig) and Frenzy (subordinate pig), both sows. Linney was VERY dominant in her interactions with other pigs and we saw plenty of rumbling from her, especially in the early months. She was just very adamant that everyone know she was the boss and not forget it. I think that Frenzy would occasionally push back and that would provoke more dominance behaviours on the part of Linney. She did mellow out a LOT with age and maturity, but was still very insistent that she was the boss for quite literally her entire life. She was also paired with a VERY meek sow after Frenzy passed away, and didn't have to play the heavy quite so much, as Sundae was very pleased to let Linney be the boss.
my pigs are both sows and are 4 months old, my long haired piggy maisy she seems to be the dominant one, and daisy my other pig always is submissive towards her but maisy literally rumblestruts all day everyday at first i thought it may have been because she was in season, but it has carried on for several months now, daisy does not seem bothered by it but will occasionally get sick of her and headbutt her to get her to go away, there is no teeth chattering and no proper fighting that ive heard, they live in my bedroom so i get to see their behavior 24/7. I have two of everything, waterbottles, hideys, food bowls, hay racks and they're in a big enough space as it still continues even in the run!. The only time they dont fight is during laptime and veggie time. Ive read all the above threads about sow behaviours and searched the internet about guinea pig behaviour and still do not have a solution, is anyone able to help or give me any solutions it would be much appreciated :)

Some sows are more hormonal and rumbly than the majority. Like boars, sows also go through a hormonal teenage stage although this usually does not lead to fights and fall-outs, so it tends to go under the radar. it will hopefully eventually settle down a bit more.
Please do not worry; it is not fighting, just Daisy drawing the line when she's had enough. That is a normal part of a piggy relationship.
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