Rumble Strutting!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 17, 2011
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HELP! So Esme is happily settled in and the others have accepted her, but she won't stop rumble strutting, the other 6 ignore her, but this is constant literally every 5 mins and that's no over exaggeration! She has tried to hump my most dominant sow but got no where. Her rumbling even woke us up at 4am the other day! How can we calm her down everyone has got the picture by now and I'm fed up of the noise :S
If the others aren't bothered by her rumblestrutting, I wouldn't worry.

I recently adopted a neutered boar, Enoch to live with my 3 sows. He constantly rumblestruts so I know how you feel regarding the noise
I quite often hear Bumble rumblestrutting in the middle of the night - its quite soothing.
Don't worry about it, it's perfectly normal for a dominant pig to constantly remind everyone they're the boss by rumblestrutting. Noah and Elmo have been together for about 7 months and Noah still rumblestruts. He used to do it all the time but it's less frequent now, he normally does it when he's in the new bed I got them for christmas to remind Elmo that he gets first call of sitting in it.

Sometimes they both do it when they're playing, but then they popcorn like mad so I'm guessing it's some weird piggy game they've got going on. Oh, he also does it after I've been playing with Elmo and I put him back in the cage. But it's never caused a problem :)
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