Rumble-strutting in female pair


New Born Pup
Oct 5, 2022
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
Hi Everyone!

I'm back with two new female fosters on pregnancy watch (Lucy & Blanche). I'm writing bc yesterday I noticed Lucy was rumble-strutting (at least that's what internet said that noise is called). I looked it up and the info I could find is that it happens when a female is in heat with a male nearby. My question is: would a female rumble-strut even without a male nearby? Or do I need to worry that one of them is male? The other thing is Lucy has very steadily been gaining weight so I'm pretty sure she is pregnant (Lucy was 680g on 01/01 and was 806g on 02/08) so she shouldn't be in heat. Unless that amount of fast weight gain is normal. Her intake paperwork says she is 9 months (this is of course the shelter's best guess). By comparison Blanche was 790g on 01/01 and 865g on 02/09.

Thanks for any insights from this amazing group of knowledgeable folks. Don't know what I'd do without you all!

PS: for those who may remember, this group gave me amazing advice with my previous foster, Mojo, and her three babies (Pico, Mico, Taco). The whole family ended up doing great and they all got adopted. Yay!
Hi Everyone!

I'm back with two new female fosters on pregnancy watch (Lucy & Blanche). I'm writing bc yesterday I noticed Lucy was rumble-strutting (at least that's what internet said that noise is called). I looked it up and the info I could find is that it happens when a female is in heat with a male nearby. My question is: would a female rumble-strut even without a male nearby? Or do I need to worry that one of them is male? The other thing is Lucy has very steadily been gaining weight so I'm pretty sure she is pregnant (Lucy was 680g on 01/01 and was 806g on 02/08) so she shouldn't be in heat. Unless that amount of fast weight gain is normal. Her intake paperwork says she is 9 months (this is of course the shelter's best guess). By comparison Blanche was 790g on 01/01 and 865g on 02/09.

Thanks for any insights from this amazing group of knowledgeable folks. Don't know what I'd do without you all!

PS: for those who may remember, this group gave me amazing advice with my previous foster, Mojo, and her three babies (Pico, Mico, Taco). The whole family ended up doing great and they all got adopted. Yay!


Rumble-strutting in sows is dominance behaviour; it happens typically in the two weeks after an introduction/move to new premises during the group establishment/re-establishment phase but you can also see it in the run up to a stronger season.

Sudden nonstop rumble-strutting, mounting, grumpy/moody behaviours etc. that look like a constant season that is not over in a day or two in adult sows are usually a symptom of hormonal ovarian cysts.

More helpful information in these liks here:
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

Please always double-check the gender of any piggies upon arrival as a matter of routine, irrespective of where your piggies come from.Mistakes happen. Illustrated Sexing Guide

I hope that this helps you.
Hi, yes female piggies will sometimes rumble-strut when in season but regardless of whether or not there is a male around. But they can also rumble-strut at any time as a part of dominance behaviour just to let other piggies know that they are in charge, or want to be in charge.
My Posh has always rumblestrutted, there is no aggression she just likes to show who’s boss 😉
Thank you so much @Wiebke, @Pound Shilling & Pig, and @Bill & Ted. Lucy is clearly the boss, I had noticed that before so what you all are describing with dominance makes sense. I have had them for about five weeks and I hadn't heard Lucy rumble-strut until yesterday. They were in their play pen when Lucy started doing this so I wonder if there was some show of dominance on using the various pieces of enrichment in the play pen. I haven't heard her do it since they have been back in their regular enclosure.

A propos of nothing, rumble-strutting might be my new favorite word. :D
Thank you so much @Wiebke, @Pound Shilling & Pig, and @Bill & Ted. Lucy is clearly the boss, I had noticed that before so what you all are describing with dominance makes sense. I have had them for about five weeks and I hadn't heard Lucy rumble-strut until yesterday. They were in their play pen when Lucy started doing this so I wonder if there was some show of dominance on using the various pieces of enrichment in the play pen. I haven't heard her do it since they have been back in their regular enclosure.

A propos of nothing, rumble-strutting might be my new favorite word. :D

She could have been coming into season?
She could have been coming into season?
That's possible also. Though the speed at which she has been gaining weight makes me think she might be pregnant. These piggies were part of 13 piggies surrendered to the shelter, all sexes combined. :no: