Rumble Strutting females


New Born Pup
Dec 25, 2023
Reaction score
Hello, I'm after some help (again) ! I have noticed tonight via my piggy cam that 2 of my female piggies aren't getting along or so I think? Honey seems to be waggling her bum and almost growling at her sister Dolly, I have adopted 3 sisters from the same litter 2 weeks ago. They as far as I can tell have been getting along. Lily the other one seems unaffected by all these antics and is happily staying out of it doing her own thing. Dolly seems to be hounding Honey chasing her from behind and Honey is retaliating but also is chasing Dolly. Dolly is the biggest of them. Lily is smallest. They are 4 months old and definitely female. Will they sort it out, I've heard of piggies falling out and not being able to bond. This morning I added some new things to their accommodation, 2 new hideys. Do you think that's set them off? Will they end up fighting? I hope not ! Or is this just playing but it seems quite intense. I've seen them zoomie but its definitely different tonight. They were almost wrestling at one point and very vocal at each other.
It is likely a strong season.
It is also that they are just at the end of their reestablishing period (which takes around two weeks in any new environment), combined with the fact they are becoming teenagers and possibly two new hides. It’s probably everything which has set them off.
Leave them to it though and try not to worry.

When Sows Experience A Strong Season (videos)
Thank you ! I've watched that clip and that's what she's doing, chasing her around. I never even considered them being in season. I'm learning alot thanks again x