Rumble Strutting And...?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 6, 2015
Reaction score
So quick background, I have 2 sisters. Got then at 6 weeks and they are now just over 10 weeks. From the outside it was clear I had dominant pig Amelia and underpig Astrid. Astrid was quite nervy and would be the one to hang back whereas amelia would bowl straight out to investigate things.

Now Astrid has gained in confidence and I find she is often the first out! With this newfound confidence the rumble strutting from amelia has begun again (thrown in with both instigating nipping and going to chin to chin).

Today I put in a paper bag for them to play with. Amelia was straight in but Astrid wanted to play too. Amelia gave a long bout of rumble strutting but she eventually walked away and this time she was doing the low purr but interspersed with some high squeaks. What does this mean in gp language? Almost seemed like she was having a little strop at having to share toys!

Ps sorry that turned into quite a long build up to a question!
Mine are the same age as yours, very similar story. Cissy had always been the dominant one and Bella was the under piggy, she'd never even rumblestrutted before... Until today! I have no idea where she's got her courage from and it's so funny to see her do it (she is half the size of her sister as she was the runt of the litter).

I think, from what I've read, that when they're this young it will take some time for a proper order to settle in. I have no idea what to think of my girls now, I always assumed Cissy to be the top pig but now... Who knows?

Bella has been showing more confidence lately too in herself and with me, I wonder if your little Astrid (I love that name btw!) might do the same and challenge the authority of Amelia as they're both still young. Amelia is probably reasserting her dominance due to Astrids new found confidence, but I'm no expert so someone else might help more.

I hope this helps!
Young sows also have hormone surges and sows in heat will sometimes engage in more dominance behaviors. At 10 weeks, they are getting into adolescents (pigs hit maturity early!) It may just be normal dominance behaviors (sometimes dominant sows feel the need to enforce the hierarchy!) or it may be hormonal behavior due to adolescence or being in heat. Guinea pigs come into heat about every two weeks, and sometimes there are evident behavior changes for a day or so during this time.
Normally when rumble strutting she will do a long bout of it but now she is doing short period of rumble then some high squeeks. Is this still showing dominance? She sounds a bit like she's not too sure!
[QUOTE="Cavy Kung-Fu, post: 1829640, member: 120333"if your little Astrid (I love that name btw!)[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I was struggling to think of names for them. My boyfriend suggested naming one after my favourite flower but that's anot alstromeria so not really practical! But from that we got Astrid and amelia!
[QUOTE="Cavy Kung-Fu, post: 1829640, member: 120333"if your little Astrid (I love that name btw!)

Thanks! I was struggling to think of names for them. My boyfriend suggested naming one after my favourite flower but that's anot alstromeria so not really practical! But from that we got Astrid and amelia![/QUOTE]

I knew what I wanted to name my piggies when I saw them haha, they'll all be Harry a potter character names now XD

I'm still a bit baffled by my girlies behaviour, it's getting weird. Can runts suddenly gain dominance? I saw Bella trying to hump poor Cissys shoulder earlier (Cissy has never done this, just rumblestrutted and other normal behaviours) but I thought Cissy was the top piggie... Very confusing!
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