Teenage Guinea Pig
hi all, well last night was just horrific 
I have literally gone from euphoria from hearing my first wheek, to despair from witnessing their first fight! I'm really keen too get your advice too see what I did wrong if you don't mind? So everything was fine as usual the odd rumble from Ted towards Chewy but nothing major he has done that from day dot! They were in their run which they always are from 8am-9pm mainly because I am well aware that their cage the ferplast 120 is simply not big enough for them. Anyway as I always do every night I put them back in their cage via the catching tube they usually come straight out and go straight for their fresh hay but last night they would not budge from the tube, so I got a couple of pieces of kale too encourage them out which worked. In a matter of seconds they were fighting, at first it was the usual rumbles and let's see who can get their nose higher, which quickly escalated into Ted chattering his teeth, snorting and trying too bite Chewy. They just kept going and going I was stood right by the cage horrified at what I was witnessing, they wasn't even bothered when I opened the cage up they just carried on! So I caught Chewy in his pouch and put him back in the run to see if they would cool off abit, they both started wheeking and searching for each other, so I put Ted in the run and it all started again
it didn't last long though they both settled where they usually would in the daytime, this morning they look like their sulking!
So what did I do wrong? Is it simply because their teenagers approx 5 months old? The kale I gave so late? Or the cage is definitely too small and they hate it?
Feel quite disheartened today! Any help would be extremely gratefully received xx

I have literally gone from euphoria from hearing my first wheek, to despair from witnessing their first fight! I'm really keen too get your advice too see what I did wrong if you don't mind? So everything was fine as usual the odd rumble from Ted towards Chewy but nothing major he has done that from day dot! They were in their run which they always are from 8am-9pm mainly because I am well aware that their cage the ferplast 120 is simply not big enough for them. Anyway as I always do every night I put them back in their cage via the catching tube they usually come straight out and go straight for their fresh hay but last night they would not budge from the tube, so I got a couple of pieces of kale too encourage them out which worked. In a matter of seconds they were fighting, at first it was the usual rumbles and let's see who can get their nose higher, which quickly escalated into Ted chattering his teeth, snorting and trying too bite Chewy. They just kept going and going I was stood right by the cage horrified at what I was witnessing, they wasn't even bothered when I opened the cage up they just carried on! So I caught Chewy in his pouch and put him back in the run to see if they would cool off abit, they both started wheeking and searching for each other, so I put Ted in the run and it all started again

So what did I do wrong? Is it simply because their teenagers approx 5 months old? The kale I gave so late? Or the cage is definitely too small and they hate it?
Feel quite disheartened today! Any help would be extremely gratefully received xx