
She went quickly with no obvious illness in her own surroundings. A blessing for her but a real shock for you.
So sorry for your loss, huge hugs at this sad time
I am so sad my sweet Rubysue passed away when I was at work yesterday. She seemed fine in the morning ......I guess it was just her time. I just have one lone skinny pig, Mary Jane. She is very vocal this morning at 3am, I imagine they call for their cage mate for a few days?


I am so very sorry for your loss. Please try to take consolation that Rubysue cannot have suffered much or for long and that her journey to the Bridge was a comparatively easy one even if it has come as such a shock to you and Mary Jane.

Once one major organ gives way, there is sadly no return. As owners we can never choose when and in which form the end comes but as long as we give our piggies the happy todays in good care and the love they measure a perfect piggy life by, we do not fail them; irrespective of how long or short they are with us. It is the normal daily quality and not the quantity of life that makes all the difference because piggies live in the here and now and don't have a concept for average life expectations. You have clearly done that and have given Rubysue what she wanted from life. ;)

Be kind with yourself and give yourself the space to grieve and not be quite a OK as long as you do not get stuck in one of the pernicious mind loops that can come with the onset of the grieving process.

Here is what you can do for Mary Jane now and in the coming days:
End of Life and Bereavement Support Corner