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cavy love

Hi as you may know, i haven't been on here for a while due to ill health, but i am concerned about Rosie and despite this being very difficult for me to do, i need to cos i'm worried lol! ::)
Well there's nothing serious, i don't think so don't worry :)
The thing is, she spends a lot of her time lying down in the bed. i've done a health check on her and i can't see any obvious problems (although i'm not an expert!) she seems healthy, is eating plenty and when its floor time she runs around and popcorns still. :)
She is quite moody with Lilly althoough lilly is back quite a lot. She's put on quite a lot of weight, i think.
First week of having her (8 weeks) 13 oz
2nd 13 and a half oz
3rd 1lb
4th 1lb 1 and a half oz
this week 1lb 30z (13 weeks) this seems a lot to me, but maybe it isn't? It's just at 13 weeks pansy wasn't near this weight! Her tummy is big and not 'squishy' like lilly's, hers seems softer and rosie's is bigger. the alarm bells are ringing for me, just wondered if i was over-reacting! ;D
Oh dear Izzy, does sound like you may have more babies on the way :-\ does she eat/drink more than the rest? its probably worth getting her checked by a vet just incase since its hard to tell whats up! poor you, hope you're feeling better soon xxxxx
hoping you are feeling better, have missed you! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: am really hoping rosie isn't pregnant, besides the health risks to rosie there has already been a lost of a baby and her mother this week and mum was only 15 weeks old. :'( :'( :'( 0:) 0:) 0:)
did you see the people's set up before you got rosie and lilly? did they have boys and girls together? besides having their cat with the guinea pigs. perhaps a trip to the vet would be in order even if it is just to ease your mind. wishing you luck, sending hugs and prayers and wish i could give you a big hug :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* shame there is no pregnancy test for pets! sending good vibes that she is not expecting! take care and know you're in my thoughts. :smitten:
chloe i just said that we need pregnancy tests for piggies in my other post. haha

It does sound like she could be, i'd be getting her to a vet asap. does she look big? xx
the pigs and me have missed you too! :smitten:
Oh dear :( I really hope Rosie isn't pregnant, I would also say take a trip to the vets. I can't think what else it would be unless shes a very lazy and fat piggy ;D quite possible ;D
Hi Izzy,

She could just be putting on a growth spurt. If she is pregnant how far along is she?

Hope she is ok, missed you loads

yeah i think i'll try and get her to the vets or get someone to if i'm not well enough. O0 i hope it's just a growth spurt! :(
Well she is 13 weeks now soooo :-\ The woman said there were only girls in the litter, but to say the least she didn't have much idea about piggies! >:( she herself had had an accidental pregnancy from their mum and left the dad with the mum so as soon as she'd had them she got pregnant again :tickedoff: some people are such idiots! :tickedoff: the only reason i got them is A i didn't know she had no idea, vet receptionist said she was a breeder and B i fell in love with them and wanted to get them out of there! :tickedoff:
Gee, I'm so sorry to hear you were sick. I sincerely hope it was nothing serious. Please let us know what the vet said about Rosie. I do also hope it's a growing spurt. As long as she's eating and seems happy, I'm sure she will be fine! Ricky sends his love and hopes you and Rosie are feeling better soon!! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
let is know how you get on at the vets, sending the to sickies hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* and izzy if you continue to blame yourself i will have no choice but to come over there and 666) 666) 666) and then wrap you into a big bear hug. you know we're thinking of you :smitten:
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