Rosewood Naturals Advent Tree Treat


Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 13, 2018
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The shop I ordered critical care from has included a free gift of a nice edible cardboard tree that can be stuffed with hay - definitely going to use that! However it also contains some little treat sticks. I never buy anything like this for the girls because it seems too likely that the ingredients will be less than ideal. What do we think about these? OK to give them one or shall I chuck them?


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My lot have a Christmas treat and it contains coconut. They had one last year too. I just put it in for about 5 minutes before taking it out so they can't have too much of it. The rest of it is OK.

Coconut does seem a strange one - doesn't someone make 'winter' carrot cottages with coconut roofs?

I will try offering a carroty one. Hazelnut probably won't be interested at the moment anyway with all her food issues, however Trudy has been thinking she deserves a treat with all the syringe food she's missing out on!
My lot have a Christmas treat and it contains coconut. They had one last year too. I just put it in for about 5 minutes before taking it out so they can't have too much of it. The rest of it is OK.


Do they enjoy the coconut part?
I just got this too for free from my hay company, it was sweet of them to give away so I'm thankful for it. I tried my two pigs with them and they were 'meh' about them, they both ran away from the coconut one so that answers that...😂 They were okay with the other 3 flavours (carrot ranked #1, cornflower #2, rose #3) but like yours they just nibbled but didn't finish them, they don't like them as much as their oxbow and burgess treats which they practically inhale. 😂
I’ve just got some of these free too, wasn’t sure about the coconut either! But I tried half of a carrot one each with everyone a little while ago (instead of their usual afternoon forage), both boys surprisingly demolished it 🐷😆 But the girls were a bit ‘meh’ too so I’m guessing the lads polished theirs off kindly for them instead! :))
I don’t feed things like that very often, just the odd pea flake and dried forage really, so think they went down well with my boys :)