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New Born Pup
Dec 17, 2023
Reaction score
My baby girl , not even 3 years old, has has an infection due to her teeth breaking and has a whole bump under the chin. Not eating properly or letting me feed her also. Tried metacam and 2 other mets with it and she had diarrhea so stopped it straight away. She's less active and picks on food. Sits in one place for a long time which I know is a bad sign

2nd visit to the vet today and they keeping her over night and going to try other meds . If she isn't better by tomorrow then they said rooth extraction might be the option but that is extrenly high risk.

I dont know what todo.

Ive been crying non stop and I'm at the point where I feel numb .

I dont want her to be in pain but I dont have the heart to put her to sleep or say yes to the op with the risk being high.

I need some advice and guidance.

Anyone had a guineapig who's got their bottom teeth removed due to an infection and how did it go ?

They will call me in 12 hours to let me know her condition and then I've to decide...

That's the last picture I took of her before I gave her to the vet. My hair aches so much.

If you pray then please pray she gets better


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Hello I’ve had a piggy with a tooth root abscess on his lower incisor. Is this what your girl has?

Here is his thread if you’d like to have a read

Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

There’s lots of advice in there from lots of people on the forum.

Basically he had an operation to open the abscess and leave it open to drain. He was then put on the antibiotic Zithromax for 6 weeks and also pain meds. He didn’t eat for himself for about 8 weeks so had to be syringe fed 5 times a day. But he did recover and lived for another 18 months and then he died passed from something unrelated.

His tooth did fall out by itself but did not grow back properly again. But it did not stop him eating at all.

Good luck. I hope your piggy is ok.