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Room temperature


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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Is 14C okay for indoor pigs please? I have two pigs with health issues. One with probably IC, other is awaiting more scans, looks like a lump in uterus but we are having pain squeaking. My bedroom is the coldest room in the house and I don't have any control over the heating. Heat pads don't stay warm all night. They have fleece beds and hay pile. But I'm worried about pain being worse when they are cold. Family member won't allow me to turn the heating up as the rest of the house is 18.
I'm not sure about the piggies, but 14°C sounds way too cold for you. I don't want to pry, but is there anyone else you can talk to about your situation to try and get the room to a comfortable/safe temperature for your own health?
I'm not sure about the piggies, but 14°C sounds way too cold for you. I don't want to pry, but is there anyone else you can talk to about your situation to try and get the room to a comfortable/safe temperature for your own health?
It's a difficult living situation I have unfortunately. Council gave me a flat to move away from this situation but there's no soundproofing and I can hear my neighbours wee & their conversations let alone the loud music they have on until 3/4am in the morning. Can't deal with that level of noise which is why I'm staying here. I've applied to the council to move but I'm not expecting to get anything suitable as I've moved once already due to last neighbours all night parties. So the likelihood is I'm going to have to stay in this family members house.
I'm sorry to hear your situation so complicated, and I hope the council can find a suitable solution for you.
I wouldn't worry too much about the piggies, but it might be something worth discussing with the vet when you next see them. This guide (particularly at the bottom) has some practical tips for keeping them warm which you might find helpful. Cold Weather Care for Indoor and Outdoor Guinea Pigs
I'm sorry to hear your situation so complicated, and I hope the council can find a suitable solution for you.
I wouldn't worry too much about the piggies, but it might be something worth discussing with the vet when you next see them. This guide (particularly at the bottom) has some practical tips for keeping them warm which you might find helpful. Cold Weather Care for Indoor and Outdoor Guinea Pigs
Thank you. I'm at the vets again this week.
Generally it would be chilly for them - they are most comfortable kept between 18 and 22 degrees. However they do adjust to cooler temperatures.

Heatpads will keep warmer for longer indoors. They say 10 hours. My piggies live in my shed and they don’t last that long outdoors but I do get 6-8 hours depending on how cold it is outside. I just leave heating them as late as possible and have a couple of pads in rotation.

Also cover the cage with a blanket to stop draughts from getting in the cage
Generally it would be chilly for them - they are most comfortable kept between 18 and 22 degrees. However they do adjust to cooler temperatures.

Heatpads will keep warmer for longer indoors. They say 10 hours. My piggies live in my shed and they don’t last that long outdoors but I do get 6-8 hours depending on how cold it is outside. I just leave heating them as late as possible and have a couple of pads in rotation.

Also cover the cage with a blanket to stop draughts from getting in the cage
Yeah the temperature does worry me. I do find the heatpads don't last long enough. I wonder if making them snuggle sacks would help too. I sleep on the drafty side of the room they are out of drafts i think.
Hi, if your piggies are used to cooler temperatures they will be fine so long as their bedding is not damp and they are not in a draft. I keep my piggy shed as close to 15° as I can but often it drops a bit below and the piggies are fine. They have plenty of hay and hides but often sit out in rhe open.
Hi, if your piggies are used to cooler temperatures they will be fine so long as their bedding is not damp and they are not in a draft. I keep my piggy shed as close to 15° as I can but often it drops a bit below and the piggies are fine. They have plenty of hay and hides but often sit out in rhe open.
Thank you. That is reassuring. I pick out the wet patches twice a day