He has been banished to the chicken arc on his own for the afternoon!
I put him out on the grass so he could see the other pigs and he went mad! Head butted the cage lid (remember he is only tiny) but it didn't half move and its a good job I was there! I screamed for Peter to get him and we put him in the washing basket...lol
Jasper and Logan were then moved to Logan's cage lid and Ron put in the Chicken arc! I think the new lad is going to be trouble and all we can do for him when he gets slightly bigger is have him neuetered because I can't see him taking to any boars! He's crazy, like a bull in a china shop! Snaps to follow, if he chills his boots! |)
I put him out on the grass so he could see the other pigs and he went mad! Head butted the cage lid (remember he is only tiny) but it didn't half move and its a good job I was there! I screamed for Peter to get him and we put him in the washing basket...lol
Jasper and Logan were then moved to Logan's cage lid and Ron put in the Chicken arc! I think the new lad is going to be trouble and all we can do for him when he gets slightly bigger is have him neuetered because I can't see him taking to any boars! He's crazy, like a bull in a china shop! Snaps to follow, if he chills his boots! |)