Ron you naughty boy!

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Jul 6, 2007
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He has been banished to the chicken arc on his own for the afternoon!

I put him out on the grass so he could see the other pigs and he went mad! Head butted the cage lid (remember he is only tiny) but it didn't half move and its a good job I was there! I screamed for Peter to get him and we put him in the washing

Jasper and Logan were then moved to Logan's cage lid and Ron put in the Chicken arc! I think the new lad is going to be trouble and all we can do for him when he gets slightly bigger is have him neuetered because I can't see him taking to any boars! He's crazy, like a bull in a china shop! Snaps to follow, if he chills his boots! :(|)
Oh, gosh - yes, he'd better be with girls (so THEY will have concentrated testosterone on four paws)! He looks like he's going to keep you on your toes!
He has lived with girls all his life unneutered so he just doesn't know how to behave! He is wild! Never seen anything like it before! :(|) And he is only just hitting the hormonal stage! :))
I think it's worse on boys that have had the "full monty" since they were small; poor boy, he probably doesn't understand why he can't be with the girls anymore...
Haha just like his namesake he is a craz boy! :(|)

He is settling now though, still hides up a lot but hope he will come around! He is going to be a big boy! He still has the chicken arc to himself because he runs and bashes the cage lid to get out when on the grass! mallethead
Are you sure he thinks his name is actually Ron or by now does he think it is "You Little (Expletive)" :p

He sounds like a little handful! :))
You have a bundle on your hand until he's old enough for an op; or are you planning on trying him with boys again?
I think that Rons wants you all to himself and doesnt like sharing you with the other piggies!
LOL Ron now thats it i am coming to your house and sticking a chicken arc on your head rofl the title did make me giggle.

Little guinea Ron sounds adorable :)
He is a cutey! Yeah its hard to know what to do for the best with him. He is 6 months now lives next to Pudsey and Eccles so has company. I was going to leave it until he was out of the hormonal stage and try and boar because I did that with Twinkle and it worked.

But obviously if Glynis has a boar for him I would try that sooner. If it doesn't work off for neutering he goes. It's worth a try, he does love the Ladies though!

Ron I will have to introduce him to the Proms and Pizza! :(|)
The title did make me laugh - he is a ! When he was here he spent most of his time chomping the bars & attempting to climb on anything that may have helped him over the divide :(|)

It was obviously traumatic for him to be separated from the girls & then he has this large "thing" walking in, talking to him in a stupid voice lobbing veggies into his environment - it's no wonder he lapped his c & c like a greyhound :)
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