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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Belfast, Northern Ireland

I was wondering if anyone has ever had a vet give their piggies Robaxin. It's a muscle relaxant; Yogi has hurt his front leg somehow; we aren't 100% sure but the vet gave him an injection of Robaxin and some metacalm to take home. He's been out of it since he came home, just wants to sleep all time and not move too much...it's not like him so am freaking slightly. I've read that Robaxin can cause drowsiness but most of the information online relates more to dogs, can't find anything about it being used much on GP

Anyone know anything about it?

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l,ve never heard of it being used for gps, but it has a formidable list of side efects in humans !
if he is still out of it , l would phone your vet, !
The vets are usually very savvy about GP they have done brilliantly with every other issue I've had; no vets in my area are as knowledgable unfortunately. I might call them and ask to speak to them for advice. My boyfriend is having to take a day off work as he noticed this morning that Yogi had a chunk out of his ear...our other Guinea pig Harvey; who is normally very sedate and doesn't fight, must have done it

He was eating veggies this morning ok and his hay; doesn't seem to fussed on the nuggets. He would normally jump out of the cage and run around a bit but he hasn't since we brought him home.
He seems really sensitive about his tummy being touched so it must be sore too
tummy upset is one of the side efects !

Harvey has taken a chunk out of Yogi's ear, ouch might be an ider to put a devider in the cage untill this is sorted !
I'm not really sure why your vet gave this drug? I am a little concerned as to why so I would be questioning the reason behind it. Are you certain it's this drug, and not something like buprenorphine? (Vetergesic, burprecare are other names)

Does he have a oral metacam he came home with?

If your not happy with him I would suggest taking him back to a vet for a check over.

I'm not really sure why your vet gave this drug? I am a little concerned as to why so I would be questioning the reason behind it. Are you certain it's this drug, and not something like buprenorphine? (Vetergesic, burprecare are other names)

Does he have a oral metacam he came home with?

If your not happy with him I would suggest taking him back to a vet for a check over.


Thanks for getting back to me....
Harvey is now separate temporarily until this is sorted...he's not happy but he'll be ok.
I called the vets and explained what's he's been like, she said what she gave him was a muscle relaxant and an opiate, yesterday I'm sure she said it was called robaxin. He has got meds now to move his gut as I was concerned about this and still has metacalm. My boyfriend observed him during the day, he's squeaking like a strained squeaking every so often like he's sore, Neil said it seemed like it was when he was trying to poop or pee. Would a muscle relaxant affect his gut as well somehow? Seems like it has, he went in with a sore leg and is now on meds for his tummy
He's still eating ok, not as much as usual but still enough
Most definitely. Opioids can have a profound effect on the gut depending on the dose and what type of opioids. I would say the squeaking while pooing may be a side effect of the gut slowing down but if this continues on in the next few days it may be a uti for example. I'm glad you have some gut stimulants for him. Monitor him closely for the next 24-48hrs while the drug leaves his system completely. Monitor his faecal output and what poo's look like and ensure he is still eating well. How's his leg doing? I hope he feels better very soon.

An opioid is a strong pain med and can make animals dopey and kind of stoned (for lack of a better term) for a day or so. Sundae received an opiate when she had a major abscess drain (the vet had to cut into some of the muscle fibers in her jaw and thought that she would be quite sore when she woke up.) They kept her the whole day for observation because she was doped up, and it took her a good 24 hours at home to resume normal behavior. Until then, she was very lethargic/spaced out. Make sure he's eating (syringing might be necessary if he isn't) and maybe separate him out from other pigs until he is more alert (we actually took our healthy pig out of the cage for most of the first 24 hours of Sundae's recovery because she kept basically just running over top of her when Sundae was too slow to get out of the way.) Hope he feels better soon!
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