Hiya, sorry its me. I am bombarding you all with questions but as a new guinea mummy I want to do my best for my piggies. I read on here that some of you just let your piggies have free time in your living room. I would love that but do they not just run under settees etc. Do you then have trouble finding them. Maybe I am just being dumb. Also my piggies are in an indoor cage but the house due to the weather is a bit chilly even with the heating on. Obviously its not as cold as outside but do you have any ideas to give them a bit of extra heat. They have a plastic house that has their food bowl on top. I always put a good ball of hay in there and they do spend some time cuddling in there. I also put a big ball of hay in one corner so they can have some hidey time. There is also a tunnel. Any ideas appreciated.