A Guinea Pig
Teenage Guinea Pig
Recently, it was brought to my attention that nail biting can be a problem in guinea pigs. Having just heard about this, I am wondering how concerned I should be. My oldest girl is 3 years old and has been doing it all her life. The habit will happen no matter what. Same for all cages, mates, toys, and food. However, her front nails are the tiniest things! They look the same as a younger guinea pig with the same sharpness. I can never cut them since they are always so short. Her back nails usually get really pointy and get trimmed as often as the other pigs need it.
Last thing! Pretty sure her nail had ripped and is now healing. Thought I would add a picture for good measure. Did this happen because of her nail chewing or just normal guinea pig stuff?
Thank you

Last thing! Pretty sure her nail had ripped and is now healing. Thought I would add a picture for good measure. Did this happen because of her nail chewing or just normal guinea pig stuff?
Thank you