Junior Guinea Pig
Hi guys,
Some will know we got a new piggy from a local rescue for our bereaved boar Harvey at the weekend. They wouldn't have been my first choice but beggars can't be choosers in a national lockdown when forum recommended rescues aren't anywhere nearby. The very insightful VickyA had told me to be on the lookout for ringworm after an off hand comment and today it would appear she was very right.
Our new piggle seems to have developed the first stage of ringworm. The small itchy nose/lip scab. I'm awaiting news from the vet to confirm but I'm 90% sure it's ringworm as the rescue had already given her a course of mite treatment when she went home with us.
Unfortunately, as we live in basically one room. Quarantine isn't really an option for us. A proper quarantine would mean setting up the holiday popup cage in the bathroom which has no natural light and is where we'd take showers etc so hardly the most ideal place to keep a new piggy for 2 weeks How's already terrified. But now it's clear she has a ringworm type infection so I guess we'll be treating Harvey now too.
Today was cleaning day and now I'm wondering whether I should just wait until my massive ringworm safe amazon order turns up tomorrow to do the full clean to do a clean out or whether to do a bleach clean of the cage now and then clean it again tomorrow. Also should we use disposable bedding rather than fleece temporarily or will the fleece be OK? Doing a full clean within 2 days feels like a lot and basically means putting the washing machine on 4 times which I'd rather avoid. Between you and me putting the washing machine on gives me anxiety because this washing machine has blown 2 motors already and its only 1.5yr old. :/
I'm now chucking out most of my guinea stores which were under the cage including medicines, chew sticks etc that can't be cleaned. Some items are more difficult like my rainbow bridge piggies ashes that are in little cardboard tubes but I'm sure we'll figure something out for them. I'm hoping because the out break was today we might have pipped it to the post before the spores have spread too under the cage but who knows.
Some will know we got a new piggy from a local rescue for our bereaved boar Harvey at the weekend. They wouldn't have been my first choice but beggars can't be choosers in a national lockdown when forum recommended rescues aren't anywhere nearby. The very insightful VickyA had told me to be on the lookout for ringworm after an off hand comment and today it would appear she was very right.
Our new piggle seems to have developed the first stage of ringworm. The small itchy nose/lip scab. I'm awaiting news from the vet to confirm but I'm 90% sure it's ringworm as the rescue had already given her a course of mite treatment when she went home with us.
Unfortunately, as we live in basically one room. Quarantine isn't really an option for us. A proper quarantine would mean setting up the holiday popup cage in the bathroom which has no natural light and is where we'd take showers etc so hardly the most ideal place to keep a new piggy for 2 weeks How's already terrified. But now it's clear she has a ringworm type infection so I guess we'll be treating Harvey now too.
Today was cleaning day and now I'm wondering whether I should just wait until my massive ringworm safe amazon order turns up tomorrow to do the full clean to do a clean out or whether to do a bleach clean of the cage now and then clean it again tomorrow. Also should we use disposable bedding rather than fleece temporarily or will the fleece be OK? Doing a full clean within 2 days feels like a lot and basically means putting the washing machine on 4 times which I'd rather avoid. Between you and me putting the washing machine on gives me anxiety because this washing machine has blown 2 motors already and its only 1.5yr old. :/
I'm now chucking out most of my guinea stores which were under the cage including medicines, chew sticks etc that can't be cleaned. Some items are more difficult like my rainbow bridge piggies ashes that are in little cardboard tubes but I'm sure we'll figure something out for them. I'm hoping because the out break was today we might have pipped it to the post before the spores have spread too under the cage but who knows.