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Ringworm Scabs

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2014
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I have two new little boys who unfortunately have got ringworm. Been to the vets who has given us the meds. My question is it normal for guinea pigs to keep biting the scab off? Everytime we put the meds on his little scab he bits it away until it bleeds again only been two days but worried he is making it worse
Hi! What medication are yours on?

Ringworm is VERY painfully itchy and it gets wrose before it gets better as you need to treat the whole affected area and remove all hair from it eventually (ringworm also sits at the hair roots). Please be also aware that ringworm is highly infective and one of the very few things that can apss on to humans and other mammal pets.

Where are you located? Could you please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county/city to your details, so we can tailor our advice to what is available where you are, please. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
Thank you kindly for your responses.

I have phoned the vets and they have recommended to give him the oral treatment that is on the link that was sent but the treatment for the wound just canisten until he has stopped biting it as the Medicene that has been givin may string as the wound is so fresh
If you could order enicolazole dip from Hyperdrug, this would be the best medication for that close to the eye, as it doesn't sting and it is milder for especially young guinea pigs. I assume that you are in the UK?
Yes I am in the UK. He has one on his nose and one on his side I will post a picture later

If you could order enicolazole dip from Hyperdrug, this would be the best medication for that close to the eye, as it doesn't sting and it is milder for especially young guinea pigs. I assume that you are in the UK?[/
Update on the situation.
I left Eric alone for a little while and I've noticed he has made a new wound next to his old scab on his side. I will be taking him to the vets in the morning could this be mites?
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Ringworm needs to run its cause; it spreads a lot further before it is over. The most itchy and painful bit is the ring around the bald patch. Please be aware that canesten 2% is too strong, but canesten 1% may not cut through the ringworm on its own.

Please have a look at the pictures in our ringworm information thread; they show you the different stages. Good hygiene is also vital to prevent infecting yourself, an children and other pets in your household.
It doesn't look like the pictures it's more of a graze. I'm trying to upload a pic from my phone

Phoned the vets as the sores are getting worse. It looks like it is Mites and they are going back in the morning for treatment.
Have many people had experience with mites in pups?
Has the vet determined that there is definitely no Ringworm? it is possible for them to get mange mites and Ringworm at the same time. For mange mites treatment is with Ivermectin, at least 3 doses about a week apart. Injections are the most effective so if your vet would do that instead of a spot on treatment it would help.
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