I got my first guinea pig about 6 months ago and then 2 months ago I got a baby guinea pig to keep my other one company. After bringing the baby home he started to loose hair around his eye and was sneezing. The vet thought it could be an infection and gave him antibiotics and eye drops. Within 2 weeks it cleared up and he was fine. During this time I was slowly introducing my other guinea pig to him, but kept them in separate cages. The baby guinea pig scratched me and within a week I had a raised patch. My initial thought was ringworm, but it didn't look like typical ringworm so I treated with some over the counter fungal cream for extra caution. Well a few days ago the spot on my arm is back and then my son had a clear ringworm spot on his side. Urgent Care confirmed it's ringworm and prescribed us a cream.
Neither of my guinea pigs currently have any ringworm spots on their bodies that I can see (and I have been looking good). They have medication that my vet ordered and should be delivered in the next few days and the course of treatment is 28 days. My question is, do I have to quarantine them in their cages or can I let them run around as they always have? I have been disinfecting everything in my house with Lysol and washing everything in hot water and drying in hot temps. I have also completely cleaned out their cage and everything in it. I'm thinking the spread has been caused by me since I am the only one that currently has an active ringworm spot. If I need to keep them quarantined, how long? They are not very happy being cooped up in a cage (it's a midwestern so they have some room).
Neither of my guinea pigs currently have any ringworm spots on their bodies that I can see (and I have been looking good). They have medication that my vet ordered and should be delivered in the next few days and the course of treatment is 28 days. My question is, do I have to quarantine them in their cages or can I let them run around as they always have? I have been disinfecting everything in my house with Lysol and washing everything in hot water and drying in hot temps. I have also completely cleaned out their cage and everything in it. I'm thinking the spread has been caused by me since I am the only one that currently has an active ringworm spot. If I need to keep them quarantined, how long? They are not very happy being cooped up in a cage (it's a midwestern so they have some room).