Ringworm in humans?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 21, 2010
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Hi there, i just wondered if anyone has had ringworm, and if so have you any pictures of it?

The reason i am asking is because over a week ago i had what i thought were two spots :)>>> at the top of my cleavage, but, they have never come to a head or anything and are now a little sore. Then, this morning whilst i have been at work i have had this kind of red ring type thing come up. I really don't want to be a drama queen and go to the doctors because i am not like that, BUT i just thought if it could be ringworm, does it automatically mean that i have caught it from the piggles, and if so, what do i need to look for on them, i cant say i have noticed anything, but i so feel like a bad mother!

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you x>>
ringworm is commonly passed on through pets and to be honest with women is most likely to show on your lower arms and breasts first. This is because you generally catch it by picking up pets for cuddles and then when you are undressing/showering etc your lower arms rub on your breasts and pass it to their. I would go docs asap because if your piggies don't have it you could pass it to them easily as well

My 14 year old son got ringworm a couple of weeks after we got our pigglies last September. Sorry, I don't have any pics as it was so unsightly that he wouldnt let me near him with a camera! Google some ringworm images to give you an idea.

One thing I would advise is to NOT leave it too long before seeing the doctor if you do think it may be ringworm. I delayed taking my son for the same reason as you say - didn't want to be seen as a drama queen lol! Unfortunately, by the time we got there - and were at first misdiagnosed with another skin infection even though I told her was sure it was ringworm grrrr - it took hold in a BIG way and took 2 months of treatment to clear completely. Doc will give you tablets - one month is the minimum treatment time to ensure it clears. Anti fungal cream to put on too would be good. Our GP took some skin scrapings to test just to be sure and she took some photos to put with his notes.

One of my pigglies had a slight bald patch on his side at about the same time which cleared quickly once he was treated and fingers crossed it hasn't come back.

Good luck - hopefully it won't be ringworm but not a problem even if it is - just get yourself to the doc's asap!

Forgot to mention that my lad had it on his neck, cheek and chest as Patch loves to snuggle up on his neck - well, anyone's neck really lol!
ok thanks, it isnt unsightly really, its just like two small blister type bumps then a faint ring at the side that has just come up this morning.
arrrggghhh have that horrible feel like I'm itching everywhere feeling lol and i cant get through to the docs! :...
sorry no pics, cause it was my Grandpa RIP Ralphie .........
he got his tho originally from a 'rust tree' :{ not sure of it's botanic name i could google but haven't looked up whilst doing this return post

If it is you'll be in for a number of weeks recovery and Ralphie did say it was most painful :(

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i had it last year (july) caught it from a poodle on my leg the dr was quite surprised as its normally on the scalp. i do have pics. but they are gruesome. if you still want to see them.

i left it had 3 lots of antibiotics 2 lots of cream and i still have a scar today :( keep trying the dr. it finally turned into a scar in october! my own fault i left it a few weeks before going to the dr.

mine wasnt painful just annoying :( it is contagious but my OH never caught it and neigher did the piggies thankfully.
i dont mind at all but its on the laptop at home do you mind waiting til this evening? thought i had uploaded them but apparently not.
thats ok :) some aren't very pretty. it started off with what looked like a bite mark then got worse and worse and then started to get better.

the cream made it all pus like and horrid :(

keep going with them silly people.
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arrr interesting, you see i wasnt too sure, but now you said that...i would describe it exactly as a bite mark, thats just what it looks like.

Thanks everyone x
oh god, i really cant get through to my docs its just constant answer phone, do you think its ok if i cant get one until mon or tues? I cant keep ringing as i am really busy grrrr
when did you first notice it? i think i waited 2 weeks before i went to the drs and it had gone from a pale red bite looking mark to a red spotty angry mark.

could you pop to the walk in centre perhaps and see if they could help?
I would recommend nizoral shampoo from the chemist. I used it as a preventative shampoo and shower gel when I had piggies with ringworm as well as bathing them in it. The one place you really don't want ringworm is your scalp.

It's sold for dandruff but is anti fungal.

i am having second thoughts now, its not so much a circle now, its just red, and has gone down a lot.

I'm just gonna wait and see what happens over the weekend as i couldnt get through to the doctors, i dont know about a drop in centre. If it turns to anything over the weekend i will be stright to the docs on monday morning.

Would still be interested in the pics though, just to be sure.

Thanks everyone for your bit.
not for the fainthearted!

hello sorry been busy. here you go , hope your not eating/about to or just eaten!

the start (bite mark)

a few days later

the first cream i was given

made it worse :(


with a red rash type thing on the outside of the ring

after anti fungal tablets/cream and antibiotics

cont .........
going down

will post a picture of it now (8 months later) later once i've taken one.

this started in mid july and and finally started to go down/disappear/scar in october.

sorry for the state of my leg lol, its har to shave it.
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