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Ring Worm


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2025
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi. Currently battling ring worm with 2 new baby boys. Managed to sort it out in one boy but still working on the second. As I understand, you aren’t supposed to change all the hay when cleaning cage but would you advise to replacement all the hay when battling ring worm? Seems fruitless disinfecting full cage, washing fleeces at 60 etc but then putting old hay back in to cage. What would people advise as don’t want to cause any more stress for my new piggies 😞
Welcome to the forum

What treatment are they getting?
The best is oral intrafungol.
What are you using to disinfect? F10 is the recommended product.

I would give them hay to eat and ensure to refill regularly. Throw away anything uneaten each day.

Our guide below explains more

Hi. Yes using the F10 to disinfect, after reading through this forum for advice, along with the medicated cream, I have added in the antifungal shampoo, this is second time today & after each shampoo I have disinfected the cage / changed fleeces etc. The boy (Peanut) who has recovered was the one who initially had the ring worm when I received them from breeder but he seems to have fully recovered. Unfortunately it must of transferred to the second boy (Pudding) & I am struggling to get on top of his. He is a longer haired piggie so difficult to get the cream to all places needed so was hopeful that the shampoo might help 🤞🏻 Haven’t requested oral treatment as yet from vet as it initially wasn’t too bad. Not sure how long I should give cream / shampoo a go before taking them back.
The cream is unlikely to be doing anything useful.
It is a very outdated and ineffective way to deal with ringworm. The spores are shed from a wider area than you would cream, so the spores continue to shed and perpetuate the infection.

Oral is the best treatment (although I see you say they are babies and I’m currently having a mental block as to whether oral treatment is suitable for babies), with Dips and shampoo ( imaverol and Malaseb) being the next best as it covers the whole body.
Nizoral shampoos are very harsh on the skin and best avoided where there are other options available to you.