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Rigor mortis (sorry if this is morbid)


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
One of my guinea pigs passed away last night after receiving palliative care for a bladder tumour for a few weeks. When I found her this morning she was cold and stiff. I've only had one other guinea pig pass away at home and I think he had passed very shortly before I found him as he was still warm and making gasping motions (which this mistook for him breathing, but apparently is common after they die).

I know it sounds strange and disturbing to wonder, but how long after death do guinea pigs go into rigor mortis? I'd never seen it until today and I keep wondering how long she had been gone before I found her. I knew when I said goodnight to her that I would probably not see her in the morning, and if she had still been alive when I'd found her I would have taken her to be pts as she was at the point where she needed to go. I just keep thinking about whether she passed not long after I said goodbye and whether that's a good thing as her suffering ended quickly, but the idea of her body in the cage for hours before finding her also seems so sad 😭 there was about 8 hours between when I said goodbye and when I found her in the morning, and she was completely stiff and cold.

She was a bright and lively girl and she's going to be so missed, she was such a strong character in my herd and it's heartbreaking to think about not seeing her at the very front of the group when there is a possibility for snacks or trundling across the floor on her adventures. Rest in Peace Trixie ❤️🌈
One of my guinea pigs passed away last night after receiving palliative care for a bladder tumour for a few weeks. When I found her this morning she was cold and stiff. I've only had one other guinea pig pass away at home and I think he had passed very shortly before I found him as he was still warm and making gasping motions (which this mistook for him breathing, but apparently is common after they die).

I know it sounds strange and disturbing to wonder, but how long after death do guinea pigs go into rigor mortis? I'd never seen it until today and I keep wondering how long she had been gone before I found her. I knew when I said goodnight to her that I would probably not see her in the morning, and if she had still been alive when I'd found her I would have taken her to be pts as she was at the point where she needed to go. I just keep thinking about whether she passed not long after I said goodbye and whether that's a good thing as her suffering ended quickly, but the idea of her body in the cage for hours before finding her also seems so sad 😭 there was about 8 hours between when I said goodbye and when I found her in the morning, and she was completely stiff and cold.

She was a bright and lively girl and she's going to be so missed, she was such a strong character in my herd and it's heartbreaking to think about not seeing her at the very front of the group when there is a possibility for snacks or trundling across the floor on her adventures. Rest in Peace Trixie ❤️🌈


I am very sorry for your loss.

Trixie must have died sometime in the small hours of the night. Rigor mortis is setting in much more quickly than with larger humans and is over much sooner, too. It will be likely gone by the later evening and definitely gone by tomorrow.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sleep tight Trixie. ❤️