Here I go again. Little Ricky has been sick for over 2 months with abscesses. Some of you may know him. He's been through a lot. Two surgeries and it finally looks like he's just about healed. One more visit should do it. He's still a baby and he's been through a tough time and has never been down. He's so full of energy. But yesterday morning I noticed he didn't eat his dry food or veggies. He normally eats at least 3 huge bowls of veggies a day. Also, there has not been one poop since yesterdy morning. It's well over 24 hours. And very little pee. I syringed fed him and gave him water also through a syringe today. Finally, I see he's starting to eat a little. And he's also playing with his chew stick. But most of the time I see him backing his little butt in a corner like he always does when he poops. But nothing comes out. It's been going on all day. I called the vet, but after the surgeries, it's cost me well over 1400 american dollars. I'm so broke. I told them on the phone that I can only come up with $50 dollars. And after all the money I spent, I thought they would tell me to come in. to see the doctor. Instead, I'm going in to see a tech who is just going to give me something for dehydration. That will only be $15. It's all I can do. I'm sick right now, but there is nothing more I can do. Has anyone experience this before. I'm thinking he may be constipated. He's on an anitbiotic, but he's been on it for two months! He's also on Rimadyl. He's been taking that as well for the past two months. I'm very worried. It's been a long two months and he's been to the vet at least 15 times now. I finally get him well and now he looks sick again. Any advice? Thanks!