Revolting slugs in food!


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 8, 2018
Reaction score
I just went out to give pigs in hutch some fresh food and 2 large slugs were in their dish of pellets and another fat one was squeezing through the wire mesh. I pulled it out. Yuk! I washed their slimy dishes and gave them fesh pellets. Every morning I wash slimy dishes. What can I do as they are revolting? The hutch is raised and the hutch hugger was down. Thanks
Not shore how true it is but put chalk or if on patio draw with chalk around it .. apparently slugs won't go past the chalk :/ .. not shore where I heard it either :) x
Trying putting a protective moat all the way round their hutch of something that slugs and snails don’t like - crushed up egg shells, wool pellets, salt (but this will obviously wash away very quickly) or special copper strips which you can get from garden centres. You could put slug pellets round but you’d obviously need to make sure that the piggies don’t get anywhere near
I've used copper tape on plant pots but when it was particularly bad at one point I used to draw a line of salt every night lol
I'll try copper tape, thanks. Hope it gives slugs a surprise. Can't use crushed eggshell etc as hutch is on grass with legs on decking tiles cut in half.
Try a beer trap on the floor near the hutch, a tupperware box or yoghurt pot full of beer will attract the slugs then they get drunk and either drown in it or cant climb any higher. Works better than copper tape or eggshells as it attracts them in... my friend has done actual scientific research on this!
You could try moving the hutch? I’m guessing because the hutch is on grass the slugs live/eat here? We have our hutch on a patio area and have never had this problem. The bars/mesh is also quite narrow (about 1cm by 2cm rectangles), so I’m not sure slugs could fit through. When they are out on the grass in the run if it starts raining slugs have ventured to the food bowl but I’ve never caught them in the hutch. Don’t know what else to suggest but the above ideas sound great.
I used to have this problem. I put copper tape around the legs of the hutch and secured them it in place using a staple gun. Occasionally a slug manages to get in but not often. I used nematodes in the summer and I didn't see one slug for about 2 months. I think I need to put more copper tape on the bottom of the hutch for the winter though to really see if I can stop any coming in!