Resting Most Of The Day

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 4, 2016
Reaction score
London uk
OK this might be really silly of me to ask but is it normal for 2 guineas to rest most of the day? My 2 boys seem to sleep a lot of the time is this normal?
When did you get them? Young piggies should be bouncing about most of the time.. its only once they're older than you'd expect them to sleep a lot more..
My 3 are a similar age to yours and I find they tend to have mad, energetic bursts which can last for up to 30 minutes.
Then they tend to wander around eating and ruble strutting (this is our boars favorite past time - go Eddi) and generally interacting with each other for a while.
Then they sleep for around 30 mins - 1 hour, and repeat the whole thing over!
So overall I would say they are usually fairly active for over 50% of the day.
OK this might be really silly of me to ask but is it normal for 2 guineas to rest most of the day? My 2 boys seem to sleep a lot of the time is this normal?

Guinea pigs are crepuscular; they are most active in the mornings and evenings and tend to sleep quite bit, interspersed with some light browsing during the day. Once guinea pigs reach adulthood, they settle down a lot and tend to sleep more as the get older.
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