Rest in peace, Spice

I had him for 8 years. He was never sick a day in his life until the end, so I'm worried that he was so scared and upset at the end, not know what was happening. I hope he had a happy life all these years. Rest in peace, buddy.

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I am so very sorry that you have lost your gorgeous and much loved Spice.

Please try to take comfort that he could make his journey to the Bridge from familiar surroundings and carried by the wings of your love. I am glad for both of you that his journey hasn't taken too long after he stopped being able to swallow/process food although it is upsetting for us owners to sit by and being unable to help or to hurry things on.

Please be kind with yourself in the coming days. You have done your best and all the right things in view of the unfortunate timing. You haven't failed Spice in any way. His grand old age is testament for the many years of your loving care, which is how guinea pigs measure a happy life by.

This link below is for yourself. You may hopefully find it helpful since the human grieving process is not exactly what you may expect. It can take you to some weird places and can hit you in unexpected ways. We grieve as much as we have loved, irrespective of the species - it is the other side of the same coin. And since we can love our pets unreservedly, their loss hits us often very hard.
We also offer friendly community support for grieving members in our End of Life and Bereavement section if you feel at any time that talking about any issues with people who truly understand and have been through comparable experiences would help you.
Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
I am sending love to you at this heartbreaking time. He lived to a great age and would have had a very happy life with you. Although he is no longer physically with you he will remain in your heart with treasured memories. Take care as you grieve
Be happy at the bridge beautiful boy 🌈
Sorry for your loss. 8 years is a wonderful age, no doubt due to all the love and care you gave. Sleep tight Spice x