Rest In Peace, Cookie

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
Liverpool, United Kingdom
I lost my Cookie this afternoon, after discovering that she was pretty much going on the inside while during a spay. She's be a very ill piggy so I decided it was best to let her go. She didn't feel anything and she's reunited with her sister Cream now. I know that I did everything I could for her and that makes it easier, but it's still a massive blow.

April 2012 - 14th May, 2015.
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Rest In Peace, Cookie. You never stopped fighting.

I am very sorry - you did all you could for her and gave her a chance; it was just not to be.
RIP Cookie
I'm just thinking about Smudge. I'm going to give us both a chance to grieve and then go to a local rescue to find a companion. I can't leave her alone.

It's so hard for right now; I keep thinking we'll bring her home and she'll be okay but she's just not :'(
I'm just thinking about Smudge. I'm going to give us both a chance to grieve and then go to a local rescue to find a companion. I can't leave her alone.

It's so hard for right now; I keep thinking we'll bring her home and she'll be okay but she's just not :'(

It is very hard after you have lost a piggy; especially one that underwent an operation. You try your best to stay positive for the sake of your piggy and keep all those fears away, and then there is this big physical and emotional void all of a sudden. It is the same for all of us. Please be aware that after the enormous rollercoaster you have been through in the last week, you are going to hit the floor, quite physically, as soon as the adrenaline runs out and leaves you utterly drained and feeling horrid on every level. It takes some time for the loss to hit fully, too.

Take comfort that you are a very loving and conscientious piggy mummy, and that Cookie's wellbeing has always been paramount for you. You did make the right decision under the circumstances if things were really so far advanced.

You are a very good piggy mum; I am sure that you are looking after Smudge as well as possible. When you take her dating, you can look at both neutered boars and sows of any age; mutual liking is the key for a happy new relationship.
I keep thinking she's going to come home just fine.

I've lost guines pigs before; but never under these circumstances. We're going to bury her in a minute.

I feel like a horrid guinea pig mum right now. I really do.
I'm really sorry you had to make the decision for Cookie. It was 100% the right one though.

Hope you and Smudge are ok.
We've just buried her and I'm beginning to feel a little better, now that she's buried with her sister Cream. It's all done, she's not in any pain.

I desperately need to pull it together to ace a job interview I have in the morning. A new job would be a start. Smudge seems to have worked out what's going on and is spending a lot of time in the bedroom bit. I feel bad for her, her first partner Pumpkin died and then she and Cookie had just formed a lovely bond and now she's gone, too. Why, as much as it hurts, I'll be looking for a new companion as soon as I am physically able.
I am really sorry to read of the loss of your beautiful girl. Massive hugs to you at this sad time x

Sleep well little one

RIP Cookie
x x
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