Rescued a Syrian hamster need help


New Born Pup
Jan 14, 2022
Reaction score
I rescued a Syrian hamster that was one year old it was in one of them toy cages with a tube and a dome for probably its whole life it's super small cage so I bought it a 40 gallon tank and redid everything gave him a big wheel but when I took the dome he got very upset started scratching a glass which he had never done so I put the dome back and he is in it all the time pretty much 24/7 he does not utilize the cage like I said he was in a small cage for one year I took the bubble out and he got upset so I put it back in I don't know if I should keep it I never take it out if I do take it out will he just adapt by himself
I rescued a Syrian hamster that was one year old it was in one of them toy cages with a tube and a dome for probably its whole life it's super small cage so I bought it a 40 gallon tank and redid everything gave him a big wheel but when I took the dome he got very upset started scratching a glass which he had never done so I put the dome back and he is in it all the time pretty much 24/7 he does not utilize the cage like I said he was in a small cage for one year I took the bubble out and he got upset so I put it back in I don't know if I should keep it I never take it out if I do take it out will he just adapt by himself

Well done for taking them on. I don’t have any experience of hamsters. Hopefully someone will be along soon with some advice.
Hi, if he's been used to a small cage it will take a little while for him to adjust...maybe try leaving some of his favourite treats and food around the cage so he has a reward for exploring different parts of the cage...also if he is very attached to this dome you could try putting it in different areas of the cage each time it is cleaned so again he is exploring...his dome will be his safe haven and until he trusts you a bit better he will probably like to keep it...he will get better the more he is around you and is able to smell and hear you...treats work in a similar way for hamsters as they do for could try also when trying to handle him keeping his dome near by so he can retreat if he gets too stressed...and then eventually trying it for a few minutes at a time with just him without the dome...then eventually just him...Good luck with the little hamster...I'm glad he has found someone who will care for him
His dome is his safe place - it smells of him. Hamsters like things that smell of them as it makes them feel safe. When I had hamsters, I used to get my fingers in the substrate so that they smelled of my hamster before I picked them up. You could try moving his dome, as suggested above, and also sprinkling the substrate that he has been laying on around the cage. Then more of the cage will smell of him and he will (hopefully) be more inclined to explore his new surroundings. When you clean him out always make sure you leave (or put back) some soiled substrate.
I find the hamster central forum has a lot of good information.