Rescue Remedies advice...

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Hi can someone please advise on what to give to my pigs. They are all losing the plot along with me 98)
The general behaviour is that of squabbling for dominance - I think. It has been generally quite peaceful here, I get the occasional hiccup but not like this. Something has changed because its not just the pigs in the shed its the ones in the house too. i just want them all to chill out & relax. The all seem on edge - can they get vibes from me?! The shed pigs have a radio so they're used to general background noise etc I just don't get whats going on. I've threatened them all with a trip to the vets as a blackmail which didn't work either. I've been a good piggy slave & given them impromptu fresh food through out the day to quell any boredom. I've been changing their boxes, fiddlesticks & tubes every couple of days. But to no avail.... so what remedy do I give them - just the general Rescue Remedy or something more specific?
How odd I wonder what has upset them? Have you got any new pigs or pets? Could they have a skin problem like mites? This can make them 'grumpy' I understand. I guess it is very possible they pick up vibes from you. Not sure what you could do... lavender drops are supposed to be calming. You could put a little bit in the rooms where the pigs are... but it would be good to get to the bottom of it... what kind of thing are they up to? Fighting/grumbling with each other or jumpy or something else?
Mites shouldn't be a problem as they have all had a recent dose of Ivomec & baths. Also showing no signs either. The behaviour is almost teritorial, like if a pig is having a drink another will chase it off the bottle - so I've put more than 1 bottle per run. Just flying for each other for no apparant reason. The only thing is that the baby boys are getting quite vocal & randy! could this set them all off?
I think that is your problem. When ever I've bought baby boys home and they've been a bit squeaky I really and truly think it gets on the older ones nerves. My old boy is very calm and quiet, but when I bought Binky home two weeks ago he was a bit squeeky ( new home and surroundings etc) and he just set everyone else off! It was bedlam! I was getting quite upset myself (hysterical actually imagining my landlord would be getting anonymous phonecalls from my neighbours complaining!) I tried the extra treats and began to dread going home! As soon as the new boy saw me he'd squeek and all hell let loose! But it is getting better now, slowly everbody is not so hyper and are calming down. So it may be that.......
The young boys do do alot of Rumble strutting too so its not only squeeking that sets them off. I'm not sure how it has set the shed pigs off though! maybe I'm just looking for trouble with them....
Our two bonded boys have started squabbling a lot recently too, I think it's been worse ever since we got our new boy (housed in a seperate cage). Can rescue remedy really work with piggies? That sounds like a nice natural answer...
I think that Cavykind is the resident expert here - will have to wait for her to answer that one.........
the rescue remedy spray you can get has 4 different flowers remedys in it so should be fine i use it for my pigs if they are particulary nervous or upset put some drops in their water bottle,
I have also had problems with bonded pairs squabbling when I have introduced a young pig into the room. A lot of people have said 'it shouldn't make a difference' but it does. I have used the room sprays in the room before. Didn't notice any particular effect though.
Have you looked at Dorwest herbs? They are used for dogs and cats, so i'm not sure about piggies.. but it might be worth asking.
When my two sows started falling out I put vick (snufflebabe its milder) on thier bums and noses so they smelt the same. Now they get along fine. When I first got them they fell out every few weeks and I soon relised they was on heat. They have been fine for a while again now. Wonder what going to happen once Rimmer joins them after he has the snip.
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