Hi! My little guinea pig Lea sprained her leg a few months ago, the vet prescribed anti inflamitory medicine, which helped her recover, but ever since it had been happening every month. Usually i notice because she hasnt touched her daily veggies, she always eats them and since it had happened before i check how she walks and she's limping, trying not to put weight on her back right leg. Since it has become a monthly routine, i want to know if anybody had the same problem? Does it go away with time or will it just reaccure every so often?
We give her medicine for a few days and she recovers, only for her to injure herself a few weeks later :| She has nothing dangerous in her cage only tunnels and two wooden houses. My theory is that she fights with her cage mate Maja, since they sometimes try to mount each other and chase each other, nothing bad tho, just some spraying comes from that and of course, the head tilting with teeth bared.
We give her medicine for a few days and she recovers, only for her to injure herself a few weeks later :| She has nothing dangerous in her cage only tunnels and two wooden houses. My theory is that she fights with her cage mate Maja, since they sometimes try to mount each other and chase each other, nothing bad tho, just some spraying comes from that and of course, the head tilting with teeth bared.