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Reluctant To Bear Weight On Back Right Leg

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
I was hoping for some advice. My 1 year old guinea rosie was very listless this morning and reluctant to bare weight on her back right leg. Vet doesn't think it's broken and has given us anti inflammatory and critical care food. Really worried about her as I have no idea how she has hurt her leg. Iv managed to get some food and fluids down her but really worried for her. Any advice great fully accepted.
Hi, welcome to the forum. Poor girl, it is possible that she has sprained it if she landed funny popcorning or jumping about. It's good the vet has given you anti-inflammatories but if there is no improvement in a few days I would ask the vet to do an xray (conscious if possible). Are you giving the anti-inflammatories once or twice a day?

Here is our hand feeding guide in case you need it:

Hi! I am keeping y fingers crossed for her. Please keep on hand feeding and watering her as much as she will take in one go; @helen105281 has given you the link.

I agree with what helen has said re. recovery.
Sounds like it might be a sprain like Helen has already mentioned. I would make her comfy in a carrier for a day or two if you can to limit the use of her leg as rest will help her. I find if its a sprain usually within a couple of days of rest and anti inflammatories you can see an improvement if not i would go back to the vets and ask for an xray. Please let us know how she gets on :)
Hey everyone thank you for all your speedy response. Long shift put in last night making sure rosie was fed and hydrated and result this morning is that she has started to eat solids again and bare some weight on her leg. Think the pain killers are working. Xx yay
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