Rejoining and looking for some boarding feedback!


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 26, 2011
Reaction score
West Midlands
Hi everyone 👋

I used to be an active member on the forum a few years ago, when I had my little herd of piggies, who have all now passed on. A few years, some children and house moves later (!) I am now hoping to finally take the plunge and set up a guinea pig boarding facility, and would really appreciate some opinions and feedback as I make my plans!

So I'm looking at specifically guinea pig boarding on a small scale. Boarders would be in an insulated wooden outbuilding, that I can set up limited heating in. I would open from Easter to October then close over winter. I would be insured and put together contracts and detailed information sheets for each boarder. Bedding, hay and veg would be included with owners providing their own dry food and anything else they wanted to supply. If anyone has any thoughts please let me know! If it's something you would use, whether there is a demand for this type of boarding, what would owners be looking for, anything that could be changed or improved so far, etc..

I'd also like to ask people opinions on housing - at the moment I'm leaning towards Ferplast style cages as they can be thoroughly cleaned/disinfected between stays, or would there be a preference for hutches? Also outdoor run time - I've read quite differing opinions from owners, either saying it would be a must or that they'd not want it available due to concerns with it being secure/cleaned between piggies etc.
I'd love a bit of feedback on anything and everything!

Thanks so much if you've read this far 😁
I have used 2 boarders I only changed because the first one had to close for personal reasons. The first one had hutches in heated sheds and used puppy pads and hay as a substrate she provided all hay and veg and I provided the pellets. My piggies also had outdoor time on artificial grass in a wooden pen which was disinfected between residents. The piggy boarder I use now is part of a piggy Rescue. She puts the piggies up in C&C cages or in Ferplast (she has both and it just depends what's available when my piggies are booked in). She uses fleece liners as they are indoors. As its a piggy Rescue I provide hay, veg and pellets. My piggies have outdoor time on grass in wooden pens when the weather is nice (she has a big garden). I wish you luck with your new venture.
I've had a terrible time with a border in the past. We'd seen their website and under some photos of beautiful large runs was a paragraph about rabbits and Guinea Pigs. The cages looked lovely so we were filled with confidence but when we got there we walked past all the lovely cages that were supposedly for rabbits but they were all sat empty while rabbits were in tiny hutches and we went straight to a shed packed full of tiny cages that couldn't have been more than 1foot by 3 foot. We have 2 boars and there wasn't enough room for them to have 2 hides, water bottles etc and they were definitely within smelling distance of other pigs including females. And this shed was so far from the house I was scared that nobody would hear if they were falling out. We were going away the next day so I had no choice but to leave them there and I worried about them the whole time but luckily they were fine. We're going away next week and we've chosen to board them at a local pet shop. I'm a bit apprehensive as there won't be anyone keeping an eye on them overnight but I keep telling myself that's only the same as us going to work all day. They'll probably be in a firplast cage which is a bit small for boars but it's only for a week. I wish we had a better option near by I think there's definitely a market for good quality small pet boarding
Another thing I've just thought of. I know it sounds obvious, but do be open about people visiting before they trust their piggies with you. Be prepared to answer lots of awkward questions. One boarder I emailed (who's website looked lovely) wouldn't let me visit beforehand but told me that the piggies would be in a lovely large shed in large runs, would be well looked after and they had a TV on all day just for some human company! That raised alarm bells straight away. Why wasn't I allowed to vistit? Why did they have a TV for company and did that mean they weren't being checked on all day?

When I went to see my first Boarder she was lovely and her love of piggies shone through. She answered my very awkward questions that only someone with knowledge of piggies would know. I was happy to leave my piggies with her.
Hello and welcome back. I would like a boarder who was knowledgable about medication and syringe feeding and who would be prepared to syringe feed and give medication if a piggy of mine required it during their stay.

I wouldn’t mind if the cages were hutches or cages and a bit on the small side providing they were clean and my piggies had lots of human company and were checked on regularly x
Welcome back.
I only used a boarder once and I went because she was happy to give Micah eye drops and accommodate all 4 piggies in one cage.
It was smaller than their normal cage but perfectly adequate for a week.
So - being able to accommodate a small herd in a single cage is important to me, as is medication if needed.
Micah’s eye was much better when we returned so that was fine.
What did upset me was being told that she’d put them out in a run on the patio every day after I had specifically asked her not to. Mine were never used to being outside and this was the beginning of March so not very warm.
They all lost weight which I expect was due to the cold so I wasn’t happy about that, especially as the general weight loss meant I didn’t pick up on the fact that Jemimah was unwell as quickly as normal.
Respecting the owners wishes is important too.

I think doing this kind of research first is excellent and I wish you well with your venture.
Good piggy boarding isn’t always easy to find.
I have a piggie boarder that I went to once and then never stopped going back. My boys are there now actually.

She is a really lovely and caring woman who is welcoming and kind every time we meet and even over email you can tell how caring she is. She owns many animals of her own, when a boarder has had animals or currently has animals it makes me personally feel more at peace with my boys being there, as I know they also have a passion for animals.
She has the space of multiple sheds, built into multiple large cages in each, but I understand that not everyone has that option. I think if I was in your position I would make the housing choice based off of your own preference. Perhaps you could even get a couple double story hutches and then separate them into two areas, but that would limit you to pairs of piggies.
As for outdoor time I think if you are able to offer it then that is great, but I would make it optional.

My boarder does not offer outside time but what she does advertise is piggies will get some time daily of human interaction, as well as a safe and clean place to live. She currently charges £5 a night, which I believe is quite low for the work she does. We can bring any toys we want, she provides a couple items including a house, she also provides fresh food, nuggets and hay. She also offers both bowls or water bottles depending on the piggie. On arrival I fill in a form which includes my name, my signature and my vet incase anything happens, alongside if my pigs have any special needs either dietary or medically.
Only once have I had to ask her to give medication to my pig, which she did happily. I also requested she could weigh him daily if possible and write it down and she went above and beyond and wrote notes of how he was doing and how he took his medication/what he ate.

Sorry I never realized I was on a bit of a ramble, but that is my experience with the boarder I use and love.
Here is her website - - and I have just realized she actually does have outdoor runs, but these images are quite old as her place is quite different now, but I am happy with her using a outdoor run either way. It says hutches but it is actually home-made areas I estimate would be able to house around 7 piggies at most, but I would be very happy for her to keep my boys in a hutch or cage.
Thank you all so much! This is so helpful, especially hearing your personal experiences, so sorry to those who have had bad experiences, it can be difficult to find people we trust. It's all really helping me work out which options i can offer and what to prioritise, I am adding to my notes! I'd like to be able to add the option of a herd pen, so another thing to think about when planning the layout and housing. Viewing would be absolutely welcome to make sure that my set up was suitable, added piggie chat even better 😆
Wow piggl, it looks like your boarder has a fantastic set up, and what a bargain for the price!
Wow piggl, it looks like your boarder has a fantastic set up, and what a bargain for the price!
Certainly, I am very lucky to have found her. Since they live in such a big property anyway and own the likes of horses and pigs (the pink ones), I believe maybe this is a little sidejob/hobby which is probably why she can offer such low prices. I imagine she has tons of hay and bedding anyway so why not!

Wishing you luck on your venture, I'm sure things will come together once you get the 'foundations' down. From what I have seen, I would personally be more than happy to let my boys come to you and I am sure they would have a fantastic holiday.
Oh how lovely to have all that space to play with! It sounds like a lovely place.

Thanks so much for your help and kind words 😊
Hi again 👋 Thank you again for everyones comment on my original post. I'm really excited to say that after a lot of planning my new venture Cavy Days Lodge is on its way! I'm still busy working to get everything ready but if anyone would like to check out/like my new page -
I would really appreciate it 😊 Any feedback or interest in boarding very welcome! 😄
Hi again 👋 Thank you again for everyones comment on my original post. I'm really excited to say that after a lot of planning my new venture Cavy Days Lodge is on its way! I'm still busy working to get everything ready but if anyone would like to check out/like my new page -
I would really appreciate it 😊 Any feedback or interest in boarding very welcome! 😄
Just me being pedantic but accommodation has 2 m's in it.

What's that metal thing on the right hand side of the picture?

Are you going to post pictures of the inside so that people can see that there are a maximum of 5 cages at the moment. What sizes are the cages? How many piggies are you able to have stay with you?

What is the boarding price? Is it per piggy or per cage? Do you provide hay, veg and pellets? Is this included in the boarding price? Would you prefer that your potential clients brought these for their piggies so they get what they are used to? Are you able to medicate piggies/cut their nails/groom long hair etc? Will there be an extra charge for offering these services? Will you welcome new clients to come and have a look around before entrusting their precious piggies with you?

These are all questions I ask before using a new boarder. All this info needs to be on your FB page.
Just me being pedantic but accommodation has 2 m's in it.

What's that metal thing on the right hand side of the picture?

Are you going to post pictures of the inside so that people can see that there are a maximum of 5 cages at the moment. What sizes are the cages? How many piggies are you able to have stay with you?

What is the boarding price? Is it per piggy or per cage? Do you provide hay, veg and pellets? Is this included in the boarding price? Would you prefer that your potential clients brought these for their piggies so they get what they are used to? Are you able to medicate piggies/cut their nails/groom long hair etc? Will there be an extra charge for offering these services? Will you welcome new clients to come and have a look around before entrusting their precious piggies with you?

These are all questions I ask before using a new boarder. All this info needs to be on your FB page.
Oops, sorted thank you! The metal thing is a bench.

I have lots more info to add to the page very soon which I think answers all of those questions, as I've only just started setting it up. But briefly, I currently have 120cm and 140cm cages, prices from £7 for the first guinea pig, £1.50 additional pigs, per night. Bedding, hay, fruit/veg are included with owners to provide dry food. Hides, houses, tunnels all also provided, or owners are welcome to bring their own home comforts. Happy to provide grooming and medicate, etc (I am experienced and qualified in Animal Care). Full owner and pet details are taken including Veterinary agreement and emergency contact. Updates and photos provided during their stay. Visits are very welcome but must be arranged in advance 🙂
I'm glad there will be another boarder that's specifically for piggies. I've been looking for my boys and the majority are predominantly cats and dogs with small animals as a sideline.
It’s great for anyone on their way to Birmingham airport. I use Ferplast Plaza 160 cm cages and I love them
I've used lots of Ferplast, and went with them for boarding as they're easy to give a good clean! If it goes well I'm planning to upgrade the 120s 🙂