Reintroducing a sow

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
Rayne, Essex
Please help, about a month ago i had to remove my alpha girl from a pack of one girl and one boar as she had an abyss and needed special care (thank god she is much better now) I tried to reintroduce her a few times but the other girl was not impressed, the boar was fine but the sow just picked on her. The two girls have been together since 8 weeks and got along fine (they are now 2 years old), a few bickering's now and then. About a year ago i introduced the boar and they have been all been fine since. I really need to put her back as she is very lonely. Any ideas please

Many thanks

I think I'd have a go at putting the two sows together on their own first and then re-introducing the boar - it may be that the other sow has become more attached to him since the separation. Worth a try I'd have thought!
well, id get another sow a young one pref then she wont get lonely O0 Thats if you have the space, money and time that is :smitten:
I think ill try taking the boar out first, I already have 5 piggies in three nero 4 cages in my lounge! I would love more but my husband wouldnt approve! :) I did think about putting her with one of my boars i have on his own but i would have to get him snipped!
Oh thatd be great if he could be neutered, then they would be a lovely couple :smitten:
maybe let them run about on the floor with you watching them all together. Also give the cage you put them in a real clean, as the ranking has changed since she was removed. if this does not work, then i would house the sow alone or with the other boar, if you can neuter him. I find that if a sow has been alone, and she was top dog before that another sow is a very bad idea, and you might end up with another piggy without a home! Try introducing here gradually, on the floor, then if no go, the boar, but she might still be best alone, with lots of cuddles. I have a sow and I would not dare but her with another piggy, as she hates them all! She loves the fuss for her alone, she can still small and hear the other piggies and I think this is enough for her.
nope didnt work :( I put them both in a run on neutral ground without Charlie, with parsley scattered around but the (now) alpha female (Faith) went straight for her (Buffy) as soon as they were together, very nasty! :'(

It was a complete role reversal, i cant believe its only been 4 weeks and Faith is a completely different gp towards Buffy.

So I'm booking my male in to be neutered, i'm hoping they will make a lovely couple :smitten: :smitten:
Sounds like thats the best thing to do. Yes piggies are like that, the same happened with me. I new queen is born once the queen leaves. Take care, poor wee man, lol! Hope she gets on with him.
Well at least you tried and I'm sure they will make a lovely couplenot long now till they both have a bit of company x :)
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