Rehome or add new pig?


New Born Pup
Dec 30, 2021
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Hello everyone :) I am looking for some advice or suggestions for a bit of a dilemma I'm having. Unfortunately, I lost one of my piggies last night. She was old and had been unwell for quite some time so although you never want to find your pets passed away, I have already made peace with it. She was a lovely addition for the 4 or 5 years that I had her and will be remembered fondly.
My questions revolve around my one remaining piggy. Though I have enjoyed owning them, I am not looking to continue owning guinea pigs at this point. As I'm sure y'all are aware, the loop of losing a pig, adding another one in, etc is neverending and I am just trying to find the best option for Twiglet.

Ultimately, I am considering 3 different options. I could rehome her. For obvious reasons, I don't want to do that. I've had her since she was about 6 months old and she is upwards of 6 or 7 years old now. Older guinea pigs with arthritis likely wouldn't get adopted out and I struggle with the thought of her passing in a shelter.
The second option is adding another single pig into the family until Twiggy passes and then I would rehome the newer pig.
The third option (and one I find easier on all pigs) is to attempt to adopt 2 pigs to add to the family until Twiggy passes, and then rehome the newer pigs. I don't see a solution where I could avoid rehoming any pigs, but with option 3, they would at least have a buddy and go together as opposed to rehoming a single. The downside of this one is that I really don't have the means to create much of a larger cage for them (C&C) and I have the minimum size for 2 pigs.
I have considered just keeping her by herself as she has always been more independent and dominant, but I can't do that to her either. Pigs need their friends.

Those of you who have gotten out of guinea pig ownership or those who have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear of your loss.

Are there any rescue centres near you?
If so, sometimes, they will allow people to foster a piggy to be a companion for their single piggy until your own piggy passes. You then return the foster piggy to the rescue centre to be rebonded and rehomed.
This would obviously remove the issue of your cage size while still allowing Twiggy a companion and you not to have to continue the piggy cycle beyond Twiggy.

What is your cage size? Two piggies require a 2x4. Three require a 2x5.
I am very sorry for your loss :(

Some rescues offer fostering where you foster a pig for your lone pig and then when your piggy passes away, you return the foster pig back to the rescue therefore ending the cycle? Could you contact your local rescues and see if any of them offer this service?
Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear of your loss.

Are there any rescue centres near you?
If so, sometimes, they will allow people to foster a piggy to be a companion for their single piggy until your own piggy passes. You then return the foster piggy to the rescue centre to be rebonded and rehomed.
This would obviously remove the issue of your cage size while still allowing Twiggy a companion and you not to have to continue the piggy cycle beyond Twiggy.

What is your cage size? Two piggies require a 2x4. Three require a 2x5.
I'm in America so I'm unsure if there would be anything like that around my area, but I will certainly look around. Thank you! I have a 2x4. If I were to add 2 more pigs, do you think a ramp up another level (making an overall 2x5) work for space?
I'm in America so I'm unsure if there would be anything like that around my area, but I will certainly look around. Thank you! I have a 2x4. If I were to add 2 more pigs, do you think a ramp up another level (making an overall 2x5) work for space?

Definitely still have a look, you may find a rescue who will help

No I’m afraid not. Upper levels do not count towards the cage size as piggies are ground roaming animals. The cage needs to meet size requirements on the bottom level and any loft area is simply a bonus space. To add two more piggies, your cage will need to be a 2x5 on the bottom level (regardless of whether you add a loft space).
Given her age I think it is wonderful you are prepared to keep her and offer her a safe and loving home for the time she has left.
I really think adopting another pig (a single) to live with her will be your best option.
Adding 2 new piggies into a cage that size would really be pushing it, not to mention that you may end up with a '2 against 1' situation which would be stressful for your oder girl.

I would look into contacting a local shelter or rescue in the first instance, as hopefully they will be willing to help and may be able to offer a single piggy companion.
It’s so hard isn’t it? I have to say I like your option of a pair so they can be rehomed together. I lost my profile picture piggy last month and now have the lone pig scenario. I couldn’t face a foster, they don’t know they are only on loan, so I didn’t want to do that to them. I didn’t want to put her through the stress of rehoming her out. So I’ve gone with keeping her alone. She is 7.5 now so time isn’t on her side. She seems content enough but I accept it isn’t ideal.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
Just wanting to empathise with you and your situation - this is a dilemma which many of us will face as we too age and circumstances change. We are about to introduce a new boar to our Crumble (both recently brereaved). While they are only 5 year olds, having lost 4 this year there are no guarantees and they are too young to not try.

I like the fostering idea but know I would struggle to give them up afterwards. That may be easier with a younger one who can be found another loving home. Good luck with whatever you decide.