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Regular Wee All Over Tummies

Biscoffi & Toffee

New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2023
Reaction score
Hi, So

We have two boars Toffee and Biscoffi. Both of them or maybe one of them is consistantly drenching the sleeping hideaway that is made of fleece and getting all wet underneath and then the other lies ontop of this too and gets drenched in wee.

Does anyone have some suggestions to prevent this as I spend so much time cleaning wee of them recently I was wondering if there is a prevention to this. A suggestion I read is try and get them other hideaways as they like to use one hideaway as a toilet and others to sleep but I am all ears for ideas
Have you tried using additional pee pads in and under hides so you can remove the pads more frequently?
Have you tried using additional pee pads in and under hides so you can remove the pads more frequently?
The hides we are using are the fleece ones with the pillows but that could be a good idea possibly put a pad over the top of the cushion to remove it when its wet. Do you have any brand recommendations for those
I fold a couple of sheets of newspaper to fit in the hide and put a pee pad on top. I found changing the pad daily meant I get longer between having to wash the hidey.