Red Eyes!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 11, 2012
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Hi guys I haven't been on the forum for a long time as I've recently moved into my own place and have been busy getting myself sorted.

However I have been naughty and recently rehomed 3 beautiful 8 week old Himalayan brothers.

My older brother says their red eyes freak him out and just wondered if anyone else felt like this? I personally love their red eyes.

Ps any name suggestions? All 3 look identical and I'm finding it very hard to tell them apart haha should I wait till they're a little older before picking names?
Ohh I am so jealous! Red eyed himalayans are my favourite guinea pig and I've always wanted to own one since my first guinea pig that my brother owned was a red eyed himi.

A lot of people are freaked out by red eyes because of the so called suspicion of red eyes being evil. Utter tosh. A lot of superstitions back in those days were from when people were overly suspicious and scared of things such as witches, black cats etc.
Red eyes are natural for guinea pigs and not anything freaky or weird.

Can I see a picture of them? :wub::luv:
I had a lovely rescue Himalayan called amy, they really are pretty heres a pigture of her:

I have an Abby (white with grey nose) and she has red eyes and my white and grey Peruvian has red eyes.Also have a dwarf hamster with red eyes..Love them to bits and think they look awesome
Both my piggies have red eyes and that's one of the reasons that I choose them!
I have an Abby (white with grey nose) and she has red eyes and my white and grey Peruvian has red eyes.Also have a dwarf hamster with red eyes..Love them to bits and think they look awesome

I know what you mean! Ruby one of my current pigs has red eyes, she is ginger & white and has a short haired front half and long haired bum shes so cute!
Ummmm name them after the three Greek God brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Or characters from your favourite book. What sort of personalities do they have?

~ Amy
Many piggy people haven;t got any problems with red eyes, as this is a natural eye colour, but many non-piggy people do. Red eyed piggies tend to get stuck in rescues and shops.

Why not call your piggies after Himalayan Peaks - Everest, Kailash, Mera, Lhotse, Nanga Parbat, K2 etc. I haven't come across piggies with those names yet, so they would be unique! ;)
pecan and Rambo are both red eyed... And i love them to bits! They are as gorgeous as dark eyed piggies
Aww what beautiful piggies!

I will try add a photo tonight but it's proving difficult keeping the 3 of them still for long enough! I forgot how quick little pigs can be!

There's one (nicknamed lunatic) who's very active he pop corned for the first time a few hours after being here and he's spent everyday since running laps around the cage! The next one (nicknamed cuddle pig) is very confident and comes up to me licks my hand and let's me stroke his head and ears! He cuddles under my neck when having lap time! The last one (scaredy pig) is very shy and hides in the igloo and only comes out when it's dark or noones in the room as soon as you stand up or open the door he runs away, however I think he's gaining more confidence as he watches his brothers and it's still early days!

Has anyone got any pictures of adult himis? I've never seen them in person before until getting these three and would love to see more pictures of full grown pigs (in fact any aged piggies ;) can't get enough :p)
It's not the best photo but here is Itchy, the one who made me love himi's. The photo was taken when I was around 6-8 years old and I'm 24 now.

Itchy is beautiful! My three have smooth fur on their heads but I love itchy's little tuft! :love:
Personally, I love red eyed piggies. Have a little Himi boar myself, and when I got my two, got told that he and his companion had been there a while because his eyes were "scary". He's turned out to be one of the friendliest guinea pigs I've had so far, and loves cuddle time.
My two new girls were over-looked in rescue for quite a while probably because of their eye colour. It's madness, as they are stunners. The piggy in my avatar (long gone :( ) had bright red eyes. She was the last pet shop piggy I've ever bought, and was the last in the pet shop - presumably because she was a REW.
I'm not 'freaked out' by red eyes in the slightest, which is just as well as I've had a total of five piggies with varying shades of red eyes!

Anyone who thinks that red eye equates to 'evil' should have met Freddie and Nelson - they were the friendliest, most gentle piggies I've ever had! So laid back, and loved cuddles!
I used to have a rat that had red eyes years ago and my friends used to be scared of her yet she was so tame.

These boys are all so sweet only had them over a week and they all let me stroke them on the head and ears so long as I move slowly. Not bad going for only a week! I don't think they had much human attention before coming here but they are so gentle. They've never bitten me which I was expecting a few nibbles as they've not been handled at all but no only sniffs and piggy licks so far! I love their three different personalities and they become more cheeky and mischievous each day!

Dexter (the most confident) jumped on top of a cardboard house I'd made them and looked at me with the proudest look on his face little monkey haha!

My 4year old niece loves them too although she's taken to telling people they have pink eyes haha
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