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Recovery Feed etc.....


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
South West Somerset, UK.
What kind of supplements are best to have in all the time, in case of emergencies, and generally what kind of shelf life do they have?

I was just looking into some of these:

Would we need to buy both of these, ideally? Just that it's a lot of money, especially if you don't get to use them. We have (on the two times we've needed to syringe feed - with no success at making the pig well again) used crushed pellets in water, and I have also added my own Vitamin C powder.
Hey, I also keep the Burgess Dual Care for the same reason as Fluffysal. I also always keep fibreplex in the house.
What kind of supplements are best to have in all the time, in case of emergencies, and generally what kind of shelf life do they have?

I was just looking into some of these:

Would we need to buy both of these, ideally? Just that it's a lot of money, especially if you don't get to use them. We have (on the two times we've needed to syringe feed - with no success at making the pig well again) used crushed pellets in water, and I have also added my own Vitamin C powder.


Please don't waste any money on expensive but short-lived products that are usually not worth it.

What you should have at home is ideally some tear gel for eye injuries, several 1 ml syringes and a small medicine bottle for mixing any powder with water. The rest you can improvise for the short-term and rather order fresh when really needed, including saline solution for disinfection. With a healthy companion, you also have the most effective probiotic at home for a live tailored microbiome transfer.

F10 concentrate can cover the whole range from the occasional deep cleaning/parasite and ringworm cleaning at top concentration level to acting as an antiseptic for nebulising at the lowest level. in the mid range it makes a good normal cage cleaner. Apart from its versatility, it is also the cheapest because it will last you for ages. ;)

Here are our first Aid advice and our feeding improvisation tips (you may want to bookmark or find them in our New Owners guide collection, which is always worth bookmarking):

Here is the access link to our New Owners collection; lots of practical advice and tips in there! :)
I complete agree with Wiebke.
I do not keep recovery feed in my stock. I only keep syringes. If I need to syringe feed then I use mushed pellets as the emergency measure and then get recovery feed if needed.
I agree but I bought them in anticipation the second time Sir George had to have a course of antibiotics. I didn't expect to be lucky enough to not need them.