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Recovery after operation to remove abcess


New Born Pup
Sep 4, 2022
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Just wondering if anyone has had any problems with their piggies after an operation to remove an abcess. My nearly 4 year old Rocky had a huge abcess under his chin it was drained several times. It was then decided it should be removed this was last Thursday. He's on metacam and seemed to be doing ok. But today he looks puffed up and he is soaking wet where he's not moving around. He's eating but poos are very pale. Any ideas what might going on, greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hello. It’s good you are having him seen again. I’ve had a piggy with a tooth root abscess under his chin. He had it stitched open so it could drain and I had to flush it three times a day to help it heal. Has your piggy had this done? What dose painkiller is he on and is he on antibiotics too?
No it was stitched up, they removed the capsule. He is on 2kg dog rheumocam once a day. I've given him a dose of Trimoxazole 0.3ml.
Ah ok. I don’t have any experience of the capsule being removed. Sorry

If he is losing weight step in with syringe feeding until he can be seen by the vet.

Sitting in one place and puffing up are signs of pain so I’d get the strength of the painkillers checked. Also they can have pain killers twice a day so you could check that with your vet. Good luck.
Ah ok. I don’t have any experience of the capsule being removed. Sorry

If he is losing weight step in with syringe feeding until he can be seen by the vet.

Sitting in one place and puffing up are signs of pain so I’d get the strength of the painkillers checked. Also they can have pain killers twice a day so you could check that with your vet. Good luck.
Ok great thank you. 🥰
Is he on good pain relief? He could just be really uncomfortable. Is he on dosing once a day or twice a day? Guinea pigs metabolize meds quickly, so if it's only once a day it could be wearing off a long time before the next dose is due. Hopefully the vet can help.

I did have a pig who had an entire abscess capsule removed and stitched and she had an easy recovery, but it was on her back, and I would imagine being on his neck it would be a lot more painful when it comes to eating and drinking and moving around.

I hope he feels better soon!