Recommended toys for hutch and run?

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Gemma McD

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 17, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all

Can you advise what sort of toys and hidey holes I should provide in the hutch and run for my two little rescue girls?

Currently in the top tier bedroom area they just have their food bowl, water bottle, gnaw stick and at night their igloo. In their bottom tier and run extension they have an additional food bowl and water bottle, 2 cardboard tunnels and a plastic ball with a bell in it. Is this enough or should I be providing something else for them?

Gemma, Ginny and Saffy
Oh wow, I had no idea you could get that much stuff for them! Decisions, decisions, decisions :(|)
Sounds like they've got quite a lot already, you want to leave them some space for running around! ;)
How about some paper bags? I know they're not as exciting for us humans to buy but the piggies just love them! I think mine like the crinkly noise they make when they jump on them etc. :)
Sounds like they've got quite a lot already, you want to leave them some space for running around! ;)
How about some paper bags? I know they're not as exciting for us humans to buy but the piggies just love them! I think mine like the crinkly noise they make when they jump on them etc. :)

Put a paper bag in their run today and all they did was poop on it! Think my poor piggies aren't used to having fun after starting life in a small cage :(
The best purchases I have made:

1. Shelter. All sorts of things can be used. Even a towel draped between things can be fun to get cosy under!

2. Tunnels! The more the better!

3. Couches [also referred to as cosies by some people] - basically, a little round bed that they can climb onto and get comfy.

4. Willow toys. I've never had any luck with blocks of wood, and the boys seem to prefer toys/tunnels made of willow sticks - which they can chew, snap off, and even eat! Willow rings [lots of willow sticks woven into a large ring] and willow tunnels [tunnel made from willow sticks] always seem to be a winner, but they will need replacing!

Overall, I'd say the more shelter = the more relaxed, and the more you will see their personalities.
1. Shelter. All sorts of things can be used. Even a towel draped between things can be fun to get cosy under!
2. Tunnels! The more the better!
3. Couches [also referred to as cosies by some people] - basically, a little round bed that they can climb onto and get comfy.
4. Willow toys. I've never had any luck with blocks of wood, and the boys seem to prefer toys/tunnels made of willow sticks - which they can chew, snap off, and even eat! Willow rings [lots of willow sticks woven into a large ring] and willow tunnels [tunnel made from willow sticks] always seem to be a winner, but they will need replacing!

Looks like a trip to my local pet store is in order

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