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Recommended North West vets for teeth burring


New Born Pup
Feb 3, 2024
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi all,

I’m after your help please! 😊

I posted a few months ago, my little girl Ori was very unwell with dental issues. We have been seeing Simon & Kim at Cat & Rabbit clinic in Northampton.

We had a check up today, and Simon has recommended she needs her top incisors burring every 3 weeks. He has suggested me finding somewhere local, I live in Manchester, rather than do the journey every 3 weeks.

This makes me slightly nervous, as Ori was unfortunately poorly managed by my local Manchester based exotic vet, prior to seeing Kim & Simon.

Put it this way, without the wonderful advice and support from this forum, Kim & Simon’s brilliant work and a lot of meds, syringe feeding and sleepless nights. Ori definitely wouldn’t be here.

I just want to say, I do not mind the journey to Northampton and would continue this no problem. To keep my little girl happy and healthy! However, It’s a catch 22 I feel. It would be much easier to find someone in the North West to take her to every 3 weeks, and just do the journey to Northampton every 3 months for a molar check. However, I am very apprehensive for her to be seen at a different vets for her teeth.

Has anyone got any recommendations based on personal experience of vets who do incisor burring in the North West?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this 😊
Thanks so much!
I’ve used the recommendation list 😊

Was just hoping to see if anyone had personal experience with other vets and dentals 😊.

I just wanted to make sure I was making the right decision with where to take her. Ellie is the vet known as the guinea pig vet, is that right?

I was due to take Ori to her for a second opinion before I was recommended to go to Simon & Kim. I will be forever grateful for all the support the forum gave us at that time! ♥️
Ellie should be able to burr incisors without anaesthetic . I’d still go to Simon or Kim for work on the molars though! xx

Thanks so much!
That was my plan regarding the molars! 😊 Simon has said for us to go for a check up every 3 months for her molars.

Ori doesn’t have any bottom incisors now, one was removed surgically and the other broke off. Neither have shown signs of regrowth, but she’s adapted really well and is doing brilliantly!

Thanks so much for all your help when she was unwell, and thanks for recommending Ellie too! 😊 Xo
Hi all,
I’m back again looking for recommendations!

The appointment for teeth burring is this week . However, I think it is going to fall through as the reception team said the vet is off sick and they were unsure about a return date (wishing them a speedy recovery). I really hope they are okay. They are the only vet at this other practice that can do conscious dentals.

I need to make a back-up plan in case this does actually fall through. We are already over by a week as the original appointment was pushed back.

I’m going to ring Cat & Rabbit when they open to see if I can get an appointment there.

Just looking for recommendations again for the conscious burring if anyone has them! 😊

Thank you! 😊