Recent Lone Girl, What To Do?


Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
Atherton, UK
So on Tuesday I lost my beloved Prodigy, she went downhill so fast and the vet could do nothing to save her. She passed next to her pal Maya in the box while I was prepping some syringe food after the vets.

I left Maya with Prodigy for about 15 mins while I set up a bonding pen in the kitchen. Brought my other 2 girls in and tried to bond the 3 of them. Daisy accepted her after half an hour of being grumpy with her but Flash took great offence with her and eventually kept flying at her and eventually all ended in tears when she bit her nose.

Now Maya is back in the hutch in the shed, she has the other 2 girls to chat to in the hutch opposite. She however is alone in the hutch. Since Prodigy passed her behaviour has not changed at all, she is still running around doing zoomies and stuffing her face with all the food she can eat. I am giving her tons of hay each night and her snuggle safe pad to help keep her warm.

Just at a loss of what to do with her. My other half say's I can't get anymore pigs unless I rehome some others I have 4 boys as well as the other 2 girls. Maya is around 2.5 years old. She seems happy by herself but I don't know if this is the right thing for her. She has other pigs for company but not in the same hutch.

Help me please.
Sorry for your loss. It's always a difficult situation to know what to do for the best. Wish I could help, but in the end you have to do what you feel is right and what you know you can cope with.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I personally have not lost any pigs before as mine are fairly new. Do you think Maya would do better with a companion? If you could look at adopting another piggy, possibly closer to her age, that could work.
If you think Maya would really be fine on her own, I think she would be okay. Just be sure to give her as much attention as possible.

I have only ever bonded guinea pigs once, and it went well so I'm not the most educated when it comes to dealing with piggies that don't get along. I hope everything works out though for you and Maya:tu:
I have bonded a few times but Can't seem to bond anything with Flash other than her pal Daisy, Flash is so mean.

Personally I don't want to leave her by herself as she is quite young but I'm just not sure I want any more piggies. I also couldn't bear to rehome her. She seems to be doing well, no depression at all even on the first day. She has even started wheeking for veg which she has never done before.

Just such a Dilemma. Thanks guys.
The way you are describing it she sounds like she is doing fine on her own. I think it's always better for guinea pigs to be together though. Would you be interested in getting a piggy her age? The thing I have heard with guinea pigs is that once you get them, they never seem to stop because they should always have a cage mate.
I am so sorry for the loss of your little one. Huge hugs to you. Sorry the bonding with the other two didn't work out :(

We had a lone Piggy Putt who thrived on her own so it is possible lone piggies can be happy as bonded ones but also we all know they are herd animals and their instinct is to want to be with their own kind. If she is extra vocal it may be she is calling to the other pigs, Widget didn't shut up wheeking before we bonded her with the girls as she was opposite after that we barely heard a peep out of her. It is great news she is eating and zooming around. please watch for any changes in her behavior that may indicate depression. I would be inclined to try and get a piggy around her age from a rescue to bond with, but this is a discussion between you and your other half.....
Thanks, I didn't think about the possibility of her wheeking because she was calling out to the others. That could be what it is as she starts when Daisy starts wheeking for dinner. She seems fine in herself and am so glad that she didn't stop eating and get really depressed. The simple solutions never work though! Just wanted to put her with my 2 existing girls but Flash was so mean, it broke my heart for Maya.
I am just really worried about her being cold in the shed as she doesn't have a snuggle buddy. I am making sure she has a ton of hay and that she always has her heatpad warm. Think it might be time to talk the other half round as I know in my heart that she needs a friend or 2.