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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
I am re bonding the three girlies!

They were in the pen for 3 and a half hours and it went well. No blood drawn. Even though she was scared to death (frozen in place unless chased) I did see Sweetie munching on hay.

I cleaned and rearranged the cage with new toys (3 chubs), three bowls, three water bottles and two large piles of hay. I am waiting for the fleece tunnel to dry before putting it back in.

I have seen lots of chasing and squeaking, and I have seen more of Sweetie during these visits than I have seen her all day on her own in the pen.
it all sounds like normal bonding behaviours.good luck with putting them all in there new cage.exciting times.
Everything crossed for you and them, this sounds promising. Sweetie is such a gorgeous piggie, I can see why you couldn't leave her at the shop. (Just seen photo on another thread).
They are in their cleaned cage and I am watching the desolation of Smaug in another room.

There is still chasing and squealing going on. Followed by periods of peace and hay munching. I don't know how much Sweetie will eat...I have not seen her eat much at all. But she seems more active than just hiding constantly...
I'm glad things seem to be going well and that your anxiety is feeling better :)
I don't mean I like your are starting to loose it, I'm liking your are controlling it. I know how you feel I suffer from low self asteem and anxiety. You are doing really, really well with your piggies.
The only time I bonded piggies was with a 3 year old bereaved boar and a baby. I did it in the living room where neither had been before. Daughter no. 1 and I were armed with oven gloves and a cushion just in case. We put the guineas down and both shot under the sofa and cuddled up together in fear. It took hours to coax them out with food, we couldn't move the sofa for fear of squashing them. In the end we left the room and they came out for the food the best of friends.
Thank s for the update hope the squealing and chasing calm down soon for you.
As do I. I want to start bringing them out for lap time but I don't want to do it too soon either. I miss cuddles from the girlies!
I had all three out for lap time last night...holding three piggies was wonderful. Sweetie has a cheeky side but seemed comfortable on my lap because Smudge was. Smudge is still top pig, but I saw little Sweetie lifting Poppy's nose up.

Poppy is twice Sweetie's size!

Poppy is happy just to pancake on me and snuggle in. But I am unsure who is second piggy. I'm going to watch them today as I'm curious.

But things are settling down in the C&C cage.
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