rebonding piggies after a fall out?

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May 4, 2008
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i've no idea what happened in my house yesterday whilst i was at work...but all teh animals were in strange moods last night!

including roloa nd caramac.

we put the boys in their run as usual, along with a water bottle an dsome veggies.

next thing rolo starts grinding his teeth heavily at caramac.

before we know it caramacs lifting up his rear end, and teh two of them are ready to lock jaws.

we thought it best to bring their cage in and watch them in their, so we did this, and within five minutes they were at it again....thankfully having read up on boars before i bonded them i had a tea towel to hand.

i intervened at the point that they lunged toe ach other, i can't say even who was at fault, both came away with cuts to the nose and chin area.

they are now being kept seperatly untilw eekend, as i didnt wnat to leave them togetehr after this.

weekend we will reshower and try to rebond, and add a second bowl/bottle etc to the cage.

if this doesn't work then the boys may have to be kept side by side so that they can wheek away to each other and see each other.

everything seemed to of been going so well they'd been together 1 1/2 weeks, then yesterday something changed...i wish i knew what.

has anyone ever bonding piggies post fight? is it possibel to do? is there any tips you can give? if teh two boys don;t like each other what are the chances of them liking other boys (given that they both went head to head - rolo was grinding and caramac back arching) - i don;t really wnat to put them through an op so that they can be mixed with girls.
Once boys have experienced a serious fight there is not often a case where they will rebond in my experience, it may just be a personliity clash but there is a good chance they may bond with a young male piggy as a friend and not have to be neutered.

two of everything helps it gives them less to argue overrolleyes

How old are the boys? When they get to 6-9 months they can go through what I call the 'hormonal hump' when they can try to re-establish dominance and some bicker but get through it a few *** have a big fall out and have to find new friends.

was the run somewhere that had been used for girls piggys to graze on? this can lead some pairs of boys to fall out.

Hope this helps
nope we don't have any girl piggies.

rolo is 2 1/2 year old, he was recently bereaved....caramac is 13 weeks, he was introduced to rolo 10 days ago as a young friend for him.

whilst trying caramac with a new male may well be an option, for rolo it wont be (as that is what we did, and hence how we have ended up now with two pigs living seperate).

i'm not holding out for a good rebond to be honest, as i know from otehr rodents onc ethey fall out they tend to stay fallen out, but given that rolo will otherwise be single i figured it is worth a go under very close supervision.
I would give it another go; like you say under close supervision.

Poor you, you must feel so gutted right now!
Last month i had the same with a pair of my boys, they had lived happily for 6 months, the younger was 4wks old when bonded to the elder, aged 2. Over a couple of weeks their behaviour changed; chattering, then lunging at each other but no physical wounds so i left them. Over the period of 3 days it escalated first resulting in the elder having a bitten ear & nose. I bathed them both together & re-introduced & they were fine but overnight the younger (now aged 7 months) had again bitten his cage-mate who had a slash right across his nostrils & at this point i separated them.

Both boys were miserable on their own & i've since bonded both with babies, so far all is well.

Good Luck with your boys. They may re-bond though sadly I've never successfully re-bonded any who've fallen out but i do have a pair who since being separated have lived happily with a mesh divide for the past 3years.

I am going through the same thing with my two lovely ladies.

I am going through the same thing with my two lovely ladies.

what is it with animals lol? as humans if we fall out we just stomp around and make sure our "cage mate" is fully aware we are unimpressed - if we bit each others ears/chins etc we would be done for abuse :x

hope things go well for you hazel too c
Good Luck with your boys. They may re-bond though sadly I've never successfully re-bonded any who've fallen out but i do have a pair who since being separated have lived happily with a mesh divide for the past 3years.

this maybe the road we go down if they don't rebond.
what is it with animals lol? as humans if we fall out we just stomp around and make sure our "cage mate" is fully aware we are unimpressed - if we bit each others ears/chins etc we would be done for abuse :x

This did make me chuckle :)) :))
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