Rebonding or New Friends?

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Well I'm starting to think about Sunshine and Twinkle's situation as most of you know they fell out in November and they now live side by side in 2 Nero 3's. They are both dominate Sunshine more so. Twinkle has mellowed these past couple of months but not sure it's enough to make them be friends again. I don't want them to stay as they are, there is a pig for everyone and I want Sunshine and Twinkle to at least have the chance of having a good relationship either with one another or with other pigs just like Pudsey and Eccles (touchwood!)

The situation now is Sunshine is still quite agressive and teeth chatters even at me, but he is fine when cuddling he gets highly jealous when I am talking to Twinkle or any other pig in the pig room.

Twinkle has mellowed as I say and he allows me to stroke him now, he squeaks at the other pigs and shows no agression at all.

Sooo shall I try him and Sunshine together? Or would I be better bonding Twinkle with a young boar and maybe trying Sunshine in a couple of months when he is perhaps calmer (if that ever happens.)

On one hand I would like to try S&T together but then I'm worried about all the hard work I've done with Twinkle and his behaviour he may take steps backwards if he has a fight but then I run that risk anyway if I try with a pig he doesn't know.

Decisions, decisions, any help for a rambling piggy mummy greatly appreciated

Thanks Graham, thats what I said to Peter but he is like no it won't work! He is too defeatist! Think I'll try them in a couple of weeks that way if it doesn't work I can leave a gap before trying with a babe. :)
Hi Louise, thats the same situation as my Fat Boyz Tiger & Jeremy.
They were quite good at play time yesterday but today Tiger was a total monster and kept trying to start a scrap with Jeremy (not clever trying to pick a fight with the biggest pig on the forum!)
I had to remove the hairy menace and let Jez have a play by himself.
I keep trying them - they have good days and then they have niggly days. Little monsters. If they hear or smell one of the others then they are worse.

Sounds like Sunshine is the dominant one - if Twinkle is quite mellow it might work - you could try them again under supervision...
I haven't tried them yet, they go in the run but seperately. I could go for a slower process and bond them slowly, they can still see one another at the moment. I think Peter is just a bag of nerves incase they fight! Haha it was him who saw them fight so he knows how bad they got but as you say if I don't try I won't know and ideally I don't really want to take in more pigs for my own herd as it will be never ending. ;D

Thanks Katie, have some grids in the pig room so will set up a run, I'm in for the next 48 hours (rare treat as Peter is off work) so can monitor them and be on hand with the towels incase they have a barney. Peter uses a spray gun of water. I go mad!
I've just been in the pig room to have a natter with them all. Sunshine went mad when I spoke to Twinkle and that started Twinkle off...haha But I will try them later in a run if I get the time. Just told Peter and he was saying Nah! But it can't hurt to try! ;D
Hi i had two bonded brothers who i had to separate for a few weeks.

When i put them back together they were not happy and they scrapped a bit. One got a small bite on his nose.

After a few days they were fine again. Obviously if the fighting is to vicious then you would need to separate them.

Bathing them both so that they smell the same is a good idea.

Worth giving them a go again toether i think.
i would try them in neutral terrority, perhaps halved run and slowly take divider away. or you could sit and watch tv with peter and each have one on your lap. really hoping your little spitefires settle down and make friends. sending hugs and prayers your way :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping all goes well girls send :-* :-* :-*
Thanks Mary (sorry only just seen your post) I am trying them tonight just for 30 minutes in the run. So will keep you all posted. Fingers crossed. ;D
Well that was a waste of time with Twinkle! He went for Sunshine straight away! :o So much for my good boy!

So I got Radley and tried him with Sunshine, lots of teeth chattering from Sunshine and they are currently seperated with Sunshine in a basket eating a carrot while try again in 30 minutes let them settle.

Looks like Twinkle is going to be the lone pig. But he is the one who is always interested in them, yeah, to kill them probably he is such a ninja! ;D

Hope this works with Radley because basically if I am honest I don't want to rehome him. But I will if this doesn't work! Fingers crossed! :)
Well that was better than I thought. Lots of teeth chattering but no biting. or mounting. Radley just started talking. They were together for an hour. Will try them on Wednesday. Radley is looking for Sunshine now! I am thinking this may work but will take a while to build up.

Re: Rebonding or New Friends? UPDATE

Hi All,

Just wanted to pick your brains! :D Sunshine keeps chatting as in talking to radley and then running off popcorning. I've never seen this before? Any ideas whats happening?


maybe hes happy? lol he probably would have missed company :)

is twinkle being castrated?
Thanks Kelly. They are still ok. :) Er...Twinkle not sure would like to but nervous about it. He;s a solid pig so think he'd be ok but going to try him with a baby boar and see if he will get on ok. I can't see Fleur having Twinkle in the herd but of course I'd try him if I did get him done.

Suprised that Sunshine has taken to Radley, think he was narked the other night over Twinkle! Right better get back to them as Peter has come upstairs and Radley can jump out of the C&C! ::) ;D
;D ;D ;D

awww but if twinkle wont take to a baby what will you do with the baby?

it seems a never ending story with pigs sometimes ;D ;D
We'll if he is here to be rehomed it won't hurt to try him with a boar if I can if it doesn't work out I'll rehome. :)
oh yeah so you can wait until a baby boar comes in lmao I'm stupid tonight ;D
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