Rebonding Male With Females - Please Help.

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New Born Pup
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Solihull, UK
Hi everyone, I didn't see a thread exactly like my situation so thought I would post one.

I have a neutered male and he was living with my 3 older females which he bonded well with and they lived together for a week. Suddenly they began to fight, my male didn't fight back but 2 of my girls were trying to fight him so I have separated him again unfortunately.
I want them to try and rebond as I got him to go in with them but I would like advice.

Please no mean comments I am really sad this has happened :( The image is of my boy, he is a teddy :)
Thanks everyone!

Hi! The dominance phase of a bonding usually lasts two weeks; a bonding can fail anytime during this time if the hierarchy cannot be solved to everypig's satisfaction. Unfortunately, your chances of rebonding success are very small. Once piggies (and especially sows) have made up their mind that they dislike some piggy, they rarely change their minds. :(

You will find this mentioned in the chapter "dominance phase" in our bonding guide: Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

If you want to try, please restart any attempt back in square one on neutral ground, and have your oven gloves at the ready. Separate asap if tensions go up or don't proceed if they are up there right from the start, as you will not go anywhere and very likely end up with a fight!

You could consider bonding your boy as a pair with the third sow that seems not to have been involved in the dispute and have two couples.

Unfortunately piggies - as much as they need companionship - very much have their own ideas as to who they want to get along with. Sows have unfortunately a tendency to get crankier and more particular about dominance and who they tolerate the older the get. If it is any consolation to you, I have a fine assortment of older sows that are either on the very last companion they tolerate or have already lost that and won't accept a new one; and not for lack of trying... :(
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