Reassure Me?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
Yorkshire UK
So all our sets/groups of piggies have had all their veggies a while ago, they had their nuggets mid morning and they've all gone, their hay has been topped up and they've got plenty but the wheeking (I know it is a begging for food wheel) today (and it's been the same for the last few days) is tugging at my heart!

I could give them some more nuggets (Vitacraft emotion is what they have) but i have already given them more than the 5 each per day I recently learnt is all they need (I'm cutting them back slowly).

I feel they must be hungry but surely I've given them enough? Should I feed them something before bed?
Thank you @piggyfan maybe it's also that I've had to change their hay because the city link administration has meant some of the other couriers have got stacked up so my hay from hay for pets hasn't arrived in time :no:.

They are eating the replacement hay but perhaps they are wondering what on earth is going on - it's not as good quality.

They are just spoilt!:wub:
I'm so disappointed about the hay delay. I thought I'd left plenty of time - but I couldn't have planned for the courier issue. Hayforpets have been really great at ringing me to keep me informed. I was really impressed. it's not their fault.

I read a thread earlier today started by someone new to piggies and someone as part of their reply had said once the piggies learn where the kitchen is they will wheek every time they hear you going there. OH and I were saying we agreed with that - ours wheek the instant I slice a cucumber. In the last few days though they've been wheeking of anyone goes remotely near them (which happens a lot as they are in our living room), if anyone is on the stairs coming down, if anyone goes into or comes out of the kitchen, if anyone opens the fridge etc etc!
Awww it's lovely that they rely on you to supply their every need! Mine wheek more at my hubby because he does the morning feed, and I'm jealous.
My OH got jealous so he started doing more feeding - wins all round :lol:

I just need to get them to wheek when being cleaned out then maybe he'll want to share in that too :nod:
I'm so disappointed about the hay delay. I thought I'd left plenty of time - but I couldn't have planned for the courier issue. Hayforpets have been really great at ringing me to keep me informed. I was really impressed. it's not their fault.

I read a thread earlier today started by someone new to piggies and someone as part of their reply had said once the piggies learn where the kitchen is they will wheek every time they hear you going there. OH and I were saying we agreed with that - ours wheek the instant I slice a cucumber. In the last few days though they've been wheeking of anyone goes remotely near them (which happens a lot as they are in our living room), if anyone is on the stairs coming down, if anyone goes into or comes out of the kitchen, if anyone opens the fridge etc etc!
Did you get your bunny I sent you? Been offline a bit and was wondering! :)
Did you get your bunny I sent you? Been offline a bit and was wondering! :)
No I didnt. I just assumed something had come up and you didn't send it in the end. Gosh I'm sorry I bet you thought I was really rude not thankng you. I feel bad I didn't say anything but I didn't want you to think I was hassling you when you were doing me a favour.
I had to do this with Gigantica when I brought her home. She weighed in at almost four pounds! The lady that I got her from had found her in a box on the front step of the apartment building that was labelled "free". Bless her heart she took her in and she gave birth to two babies. She had her in a little 2x2 c&c cage but was feeding her unlimited hay which was good, but also unlimited pellets and weird treats made for gerbils! Since she was in such a small cage with no exercise time, she was massive! I thought she was pregnant when I brought her home! Thankfully she wasn't :) I would put unlimited hay into her cage and a limited amount of pellets- the little beast would eat ALL the pellets and then move onto the hay! After about two weeks she seemed to have realized that she didn't need that much food and now she doesn't finish the pellets every day and eats her hay happily. She still eats both but not at all like she used to. She now weighs 3.4 pounds and I think that's a good weight for her- I think she'll always be a large piggy, but I think it's a healthy weight now.
No I didnt. I just assumed something had come up and you didn't send it in the end. Gosh I'm sorry I bet you thought I was really rude not thankng you. I feel bad I didn't say anything but I didn't want you to think I was hassling you when you were doing me a favour.
Oh that's a shame. I am sorry! To be fair I have had issues with post myself...also I haven't been online so much lately so wouldn't have known you had let me know even if you had haha, will send you some more in a bigger bag this time. A jiffy bag. I sent the last lot in a small square package so prob lost.

I will send it out on Monday for you. :).
Haha! This sounds exactly like my girls. Anything you can associate with food drives them nuts, and they are sure good at guilt tripping! lol and i think that kitchen comment may have been me! lol It's weird it's almost like they read your mind coz the wheeks start before you open the door, but if your going to the hall (which is the door next to it)...silence. They always know when foods about! :)
Oh that's a shame. I am sorry! To be fair I have had issues with post myself...also I haven't been online so much lately so wouldn't have known you had let me know even if you had haha, will send you some more in a bigger bag this time. A jiffy bag. I sent the last lot in a small square package so prob lost.

I will send it out on Monday for you. :).
You are very kind, thank you.
My girls have been doing the same thing to me. There are times when they just don't want to eat their hay and want veggies and pellets instead.
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