Really struggling with Oscar behaviour!

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May 13, 2010
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I've had oscar afew months now, he was a p@h adotion as they cudnt find a home for him because he was so agressive, and were looking at putting him to sleep, as no one would take him, so knowing i tamed one of their other agressive boars my beautiful Basil (RIP:() I took Oscar on,

I've tried every trick in the book I no to try and calm him, but the fear he has of being touched just overwelms him :(

He's had a good few vet checks to see if there was anything medically wron with him but nothing!

I can ONLY handle him with thick fleeces, or he takes chunks out of ** fingers! when he's in his cage on his own he is fine, pop corning and wheeking and being a normal pig! but as soon as you touch him, he flicks and rumble struts and gets really stressed.

I long to snuggle him without loosing body parts etc, it's just so hard!

Any tips/ideas?
probably just alot of time? have you got him indoors? maybe that could help if he has alot of human interaction,also picking him up and putting him straight down he learns its just for a second and then increase the time before putting him down
LOTS of patience and persistence- and keep on snuggling him with a fleece. Change will only be very small and very gradual. Perhaps you can get him to take some treats of your hands when snuggling? Lots of encouragment and praise for good behaviour! Think about how much you love and treasure him, how much you want to protect him when you cuddle him.

My Taffy froze literally out of her mind for months on end when I rehomed her, but two years on she is perfectly OK, and even though cuddling is not her favourite occupation, she is no longer really bothered about it - no problems with bagging a pinch of dried herbs off me straight afterwards!
probably just alot of time? have you got him indoors? maybe that could help if he has alot of human interaction,also picking him up and putting him straight down he learns its just for a second and then increase the time before putting him down

yh he's indoors in my bedroom, so we interact all the time, and yh i don't put him down after he bites i grin and bare it, tho it flipping hurts lol x
LOTS of patience and persistence- and keep on snuggling him with a fleece. Change will only be very small and very gradual. Perhaps you can get him to take some treats of your hands when snuggling? Lots of encouragment and praise for good behaviour! Think about how much you love and treasure him, how much you want to protect him when you cuddle him.

My Taffy froze literally out of her mind for months on end when I rehomed her, but two years on she is perfectly OK, and even though cuddling is not her favourite occupation, she is no longer really bothered about it - no problems with bagging a pinch of dried herbs off me straight afterwards!

yh, i guess it could just take along long time! my siblings can't wait for the day they can cuddle him! but at the moment I won't let them, as I don't was him hurting them, and then them panicing!
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yh he's indoors in my bedroom, so we interact all the time, and yh i don't put him down after he bites i grin and bare it, tho it flipping hurts lol x

I bet it does, i'm a wimp and never been bit (only by a hamster)but i wouldn't be impressed if i was! you've got to think tho, he's by far better off with you than anywhere else, even if he never became tame he's still in a good place and sometimes that has to be enough because its much,much, better than the alternative people who could of got him from p@h, just keep trying even if he never enjoys cuddle's he is most likely to tolerate it with some perserverance.
Good Luck!
Just a thought, I have tamed boars before by just laying on the floor on my front quietly and letting them come to me letting them sniff and climb on me and just not moving, that way they know that you are not threatening. Once they are used to this then put out a hand for them to do the same and just gradually building up the contact until piggy doesn't even realize you are stroking him, let him do everything in his own time. It's sometimes a lengthy process but worth the hard work
wonder if one of those DAP diffusers might help him? think it is the dog one you use, might be worth a try, poor boy ( and poor you!)
Just a thought, I have tamed boars before by just laying on the floor on my front quietly and letting them come to me letting them sniff and climb on me and just not moving, that way they know that you are not threatening. Once they are used to this then put out a hand for them to do the same and just gradually building up the contact until piggy doesn't even realize you are stroking him, let him do everything in his own time. It's sometimes a lengthy process but worth the hard work

oo that sound like a good idea! will have to have thick clothes and gloves on ahaa!
Just a thought, I have tamed boars before by just laying on the floor on my front quietly and letting them come to me letting them sniff and climb on me and just not moving, that way they know that you are not threatening. Once they are used to this then put out a hand for them to do the same and just gradually building up the contact until piggy doesn't even realize you are stroking him, let him do everything in his own time. It's sometimes a lengthy process but worth the hard work

I was going to suggest something similar. My Little Pig is not a lap pig and he does not like held, but after 3 years and lots of patience, he does tolerate it. He is a sociable boy though and likes being with me (just not on me). I used to get Pig out for floor time in the hallway and just sit near him and chatter away to him gently while offering him nice things to eat. Eventually he learned that I was not a threat and he now loves to come up and lie next to me - he will lean against my legs or feet and have a nap. He is very relaxed around me and not much phases him. Womble, my new piggy, is completely different - after only 3 weeks he is happy to chicken leg on my lap. But while Pig will just keep on doing whatever he was up to when I come in the room, Womble runs like the clappers and hides!

Now I may be completely wrong here as I am only basing it on my personal experience with Pig, but I think some guinea pigs are just not "cuddly". I try as much as possible to respect Pig's wishes (not as much as he would like right now as he is poorly and I have to handle him a lot) and not try to force him to be snuggly for my sake. I love him for who is his and wouldn't change him for the world.
Hiya, I have a piggie that doesn't really enjoy being cuddled. He's not as bad as Oscar, because he's never bitten me. But he squirms and bucks to try and not be touched.

If you hand feed him a treat and afterwards let him smell your hand, (or something else that smells of you, so that your hand isnt bitten). After this he should link the food with your smell.
After hes good with this, try stroking his head whilst he eats the food you've just given him.
It takes alot of time, but my boy has finally got used to me touching him. He'll even tolerate a good cuddle when he feels like it! :D

Good luck with everything!
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