Really Struggling With Long-haired Guinea Pig

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 18, 2013
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My son was given two guinea pigs by his grandparents late last year. I'm slightly allergic to the guinea pigs so although I'm fine feeding/cleaning etc I can't handle them without wheezing.

One of the guinea pigs is long haired and we're really struggling with her. She won't let anyone touch her so grooming her is a total nightmare. My husband manages to groom her but if any of the children even put their hands near her she totally freaks out.

My husband has suggested getting rid of her but I feel it'd be so mean especially to her "sister" who, although more timid, will happily sit with my lad who's really attached to her.

Any advice?
Would you be able to get her groomed at the vets? one of the nurses should be able to do it and they may be able to clip her hair to a more manageable length. It would not be fair on her or her sister to get rid of her.
Have you tried taking antihistamines to help with your allergy? I find they really help my allergy. You could just cut her hair short to avoid having to groom her as much. It would be so sad to rehome her when this is not her fault.
I am on antihistamines, as are quite a few of our members.

One solution is to cut her hair short so she doesn't need more grooming than a shorthair piggy and only a monthly haircut or shave.
Thank you all. I really don't want her to go because, as long as no-one is trying to touch her, she's got a sweet nature and chatters away to us.
I didn't realise I could take her to the vet to have her hair cut ... I was going to come back and ask how often but that's been answered :-) I'll phone our vet tomorrow and find out if they'll help.

Thanks again :-)
If they can't do it themselves they may be able to recommend someone. I know the vet nurses at the piggy clinic I go to can do it.
Good luck with her.I had a texel that hated being groomed and clipped.Got to the point where I just ran my fingers through her coat and cut out mattes. Have a Peruvian that I do the same with but she isn't as bad.Have her hair cut fairly short to stop her getting matted and smelly
Hiya! My two girl guinea pigs use to hate being touched/picked up too, some guinea pigs aren't use to being handled so dislike it when they are. The best thing to do is handle them as much as possible, and give them positive reinforcement when your handling her, so when you next get them our have them sit on your (or your husband) lap or on a blanket or something next to you so she gets use to being out of her housing and give her treats, her favorite vegetable or guinea pig treat. Also stroke her, when she gets use to being picked up and handled more then try other things like introducing a brush let her sniff it and realise it isn't going to hurt her.

Another thing with guinea pigs is never to approach them from the top, they are prey animals so can only see to the side of their body's and a short space in front of them as their eyes are at the side of their head not in front or at the top, when you approach them let them see your hands coming, even let them sniff your hands before attempting to pick them up.

Hope I could help!
Catherine :)
Thanks again :-) Unfortunately Fluffy reacts as though she is hurt when anyone tries to stroke her, no matter how gently. She'll accept food from my oldest son in particular but if his hand even brushes against her she jumps and runs off. My oldest son has autism (well, both my older boys do) and is generally very loud and bouncy but he's incredibly gentle and calm with both our guinea pigs and our cat.

I spoke to our vet today but they are unwilling to trim Fluffy's coat for us ... they said it would distress her and she'd need sedated, something they're unwilling to do.

Really don't know what to do. Last night my hubby tried to groom Fluffy and she tried to bite him :-(
If she's reacting like she's in pain when touched there's a chance she could have a fungal infection or mites making her skin sensitive and painful
The vet checked her out and couldn't find any problems. She's got a beautiful coat and no sign of any matts. I'll maybe take her back to him and ask him to check for a fungal infection or mites. Thanks :-)
I was thinking mites too. Mine react like that when in pain. This would be mange mites which are invisible to the naked eye. She would need a course of Ivermectin preferably by injection.
We have one piggy who squeaks and jumps away from us as soon as we touch him with one finger, however when we pick him up he settles down for lovely cuddles and strokes so clearly just faking pain.

The other piggy will happily accept strokes if he is stood by his bowl with a face full of food yet try cuddling him and he acts as if we are trying to chop his head off!

The pain reactions in our house are just piggies personalities!
I have never needed to sedate any of my long haired guinea pigs to trim their fur! Even Evangeline who squeeked like fury at the indignity of being trimmed ;) Could you not wrap her in a tea towel (firmly so she does not wriggle out and so she cannot bite you but not so firmly that you squash her..) and trim her hair with round ended scissors?

I agree that invisible mites could be the cause of pain/distress when she is touched. She sounds gorgeous though!

Here is my Evangeline just after a trim. She looked like Dougal from the magic roundabout before a trim! I loved her hair and did enjoy grooming her though.


Waaaah! No thats not Evangeline - thats Honey! This is Evangeline :)

I have never needed to sedate any of my long haired guinea pigs to trim their fur! Even Evangeline who squeeked like fury at the indignity of being trimmed ;) Could you not wrap her in a tea towel (firmly so she does not wriggle out and so she cannot bite you but not so firmly that you squash her..) and trim her hair with round ended scissors?

I agree that invisible mites could be the cause of pain/distress when she is touched. She sounds gorgeous though!

Here is my Evangeline just after a trim. She looked like Dougal from the magic roundabout before a trim! I loved her hair and did enjoy grooming her though.


Waaaah! No thats not Evangeline - thats Honey! This is Evangeline :)

Stunning girls!
Thank you :) They are both popcorning at Rainbow Bridge now, I miss them.

OP - if you do make the decision to rehome your long haired piggy (and I really hope you dont have to) please be careful to find her a knowledgeable home with someone who has had long haired pigs before or is really up for the work involved - as people who are inexperienced with long haired pigs can run into real problems with mats in their hair and I have even seem poo matted into long haired pigs fur......once saw some that had just come into a rescue in a dreadful state :(

After that photos was taken I started to keep Evanglines hair very long and she would sit on my lap every day to be groomed but i always trimmed it round her bum so that she could keep herself clean :) x
We have a long-haired guinea pig as well. Grooming is usually alright, but he is still quite shy sometimes, so it depends on the day. A few weeks ago, he would sit quiety and let me give him a full "haircut", sometimes he tries to run away when he just sees the scissors, though. I think it takes a lot of patience.
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